Over the weekend I noticed a bit of fluid on the inside of the rear passanger wheel, looked under the Disco the caliper was covered, the level of Brake Fluid was down , so I toped it just incase, but the smell of EP90 sort of gave it away, so today Had no work

so trundeled to Landypart, got the following
Stub Axel Oil seal
Stub Axel washer
Hub Seal
2 x Hub Bearings
Lock nut
Drive flange washer.
Luckly I still had some EP90 left from the Axel oil change, last weekend, got home got me tools out, and started to unboult things, lol, wheel off, the hub was sort of just flooting about...
well took it apart removed the Stub axel, the seal was knackered, put it all back together, as i was there save doing the bearing at a later date, and bearing in mind how flooty the hub was, wacked in new wheel bearings, put it all back together, refilled with new oil, took it for a drive, seems to be ok now.
Think I may just do the only bearing left to do over the next month or so the others have gone so it cant be far behind.