Hey don't worry about my toes fella. I didn't mean anything by it just letting you know it was there in case you wanted to refer to it for any help.Also sorry I didn't mean to tread on anybodies toes, just thought it would be fun to show and tell :tea:
Now this raises an interesting question, I would love to hear peoples thoughts on this. I often use aftermarket parts on my other vehicles as I don't like paying through the nose for something that is basically the same. I would have though that to make and sell devices in this country which involve safety etc they must be made to certain standards?? I mean walder, do you only use Land Rover brake pads? Or would you be happy to have other ones just not "Bluebox"? :scratching_chin: excuse my ignorance but when you say "blue box" do you mean a specific company that ryhmes with Git Fart?
I have never had a problem with aftermarket things brought from good companies, Ebay is another kettle of fish mind you :fencing:....
As for Britpart I have bought loads of stuff in "blue boxes" and not had an issue.