Had a mixed weekend of work this weekend, some things going really well others being a complete pig...

It seems the pig things have over ridden the good things but anyway heres the pics
Started by removing the rad and intercooler
Filled the intercooler with paraffin and left it sitting over night just to help get rid of any gunk
Gives plenty of spcae to get at the belts. Up to this point everything came away easy... Then in the morning got my grips on the pulley and cracked the nut.
Came off in my hand
Water Pump off no problems there all the nuts came away beautifully...
I then removed the Alternator and its bracket and undid the bolts on the cover... All but one... One single bolt rung off!!! :violent: could not move it for love nor money but back to this later...
Once I had the cover off I removed the glow plugs and turned the engine over using the dog nut. Lined everything up and put the pin in the injector pump... fine.. got underneath to put the locking pin in the flywheel... Found the bolt and the hole....
Excellent.... No... No mark.. confused I read some posts ad had a look at the Haynes. Ah that explains its there is supposed to be two bolts with a plate... Couldn't find it... Looked and looked... Put a thread on here... Most people just saying line up the arrow etc... Anyway came out this morning and tried again eventually after looking for ages stumbled on it.... So for anyone doing an auto You can lock the crank and heres where it is...
From passenger side
Go under
Follow Transmission cooling pipes back til they kink. Exhaust down pipe on the right, sump on the left...
Follow up the back of the engine plate...
And there is your locking hole
No little plate on mine and the hole was open... might have to get a plug for that...
Anyway both the crank pulley and the cam pulley came off no problem, replaced the seals and then spent the rest of the day trying to remove one of the front cover studs which had sheared off... Still not done it!! tried everything welding on nuts everything... Looks like I may have to take the whole lot off and drill it out the block.... never mind all part of the journey