Need to discuss more important stuff.
As has become customary when Mr Noisy goes laning, the "brunch stop" holds hue importance during the day and must be planned/looked forward to at length.
If we are meeting at 8am, that means I'm up at 6.
Bit early for breakfast, but 10am ish is just about right IMO.
The procedure in past has been to lane for a bit and when a decent scenic location comes about at around 10am (ish) we stop for a jolly good bit of bacon, sausage and egg butty. Or whatever it is that takes your fancy.
The rules are BYOF and ideally BYOS because (as we know from laning last year) cooking 21 eggs in a frying pan at the same time only results in a fried scrambled omelette, so if you can/want to bring your own stove etc then please do.
I raise this point because if we DON'T have a planned food stop then NOBODY will eat properly, people WILL starve and faces WILL be grumpy.
So basically I'm asking/telling that we need to plan a stop for brunch so bring something to sort you out for the rest of the day cos we will stop for an hour approx at 10 and then lane for the rest of the day on empty tummies otherwise.
Cheers, Sam