you can tell him from me too.
FIRST i totally admire your idea to fit stupid engine into series!EXCELLENT
BUT THIS MALCOLM ,his advice stinks!!!!!!
RE ENGINE..HONE IT!!!!its in fecking bits!! do it..bust the glaze atleast and fit new rings..its the time to do this!
I WOULD NOT BUY AN ENGINE FROM him , he obviously cuts corners..NOT saying that to you...its something you would always do..espically on an almost 50 yr old engine!
YOU WILL. do the flywheel properly!!!ITS YOUR FEET NOT HIS!!!(I AM SHOUTING NOW!!!) almost 500lbs torque!!!!
re bellhousing ITS A FECKING BOP..NOT GM SMALL BLOCK...why make an adapter when you can pick up correct one???? though i admit not a problem to make.
PLEASE PLEASE...if you want to ignore advice (its your engine!!) atleast
take heed of flywheel advice..
also i done afew stupid conversions...i know what i talking about..
get second advice on engine..not malcolm..i think his advice stinks..
NOW lets see this series rock..i cant wait!!!more pics please...
You're welcome to your own opinion no problems there but the guy has been working on engines in that same shop for over 30 years now, if he was that bad at his job he wouldn't still be there! I know engines he's rebuilt for mates and other guys I know which have all been fine and he's highly recommended by people in the area.
The engine will stay as it is, in my opinion it looks suitable for use and if it turns out to want new rings I will fit new rings. I'm going to remove the bearing caps this week anyway and check them for wear but the engine has been rebuilt in the past
The bellhousing is free with the gearbox, the gearbox that should mate to this engine is an auto only and fairly hard to find one of them to just take the bellhousing from as well as expensive!
I will ask at the uni workshop but personally I think the engine is fine, I felt for lips and score marks on the bores like we've been taught to do and couldn't feel anything. Theres no rust in them and the pistons move up and down nicely as its always been oiled since its been apart to stop the rust.
Flywheel again I'll ask at the uni shop but personally I don't see the problem bolt a flywheel to the crank using six 8.8 grade bolts so whats wrong with bolting a spacer to the crank using six 12.9 grade bolts and then the flyhweel to adaptor using six 12.9 studs ? The things gonna be an inch thick anyway so plenty of metal for the threads to grip but I'll ask nonetheless
Damn it don't tell him

people try to help him and he spits in there face.
I tried to tell him about the bell housing and he won't listen, You know and I know and others know a small block won't work on it. But Docs say a GM is a GM and all are interchangeable ....... let Doc learn the hard way.
After all he is a F1 student and the rest of us know nothing. A good machinst will tell the customer anything they want to hear as long as he is the one making money. 3rd time failure arriving
I never said the bellhousing would fit I said it might fit.......secondly the bellhousing is coming with the gearbox anyway so wheres the harm in trying it eh?
An adaptor costs peanuts and a couple of hours to make anyway
dissagree there..a good machist will tell customer whats needed...yes its his job to make money.but he is not charging doc nothing cos he is doing nothing when he should be.... this malcolm bloke is talking crap..
giving exactly the opposite advice to whats needed..its as though he cant be bothered?(not doc,but malcolm)
i really really want to see doc finish this and drive it around, but safely and with an engine thay he knows is good for another 50 yrs...ok..if heads are off and you can still see the cross hatching and walls are dull,not shiney then leave as...but i can see ring marks and quite possibly scores..(poor photo resolution,but pretty sure i can..(doc more pics of bores please?))
surely mr m has too..why he say leave as??
if i did that at work i would get sack!..for the sake of a set of rings and hone..oh and mains and big ends too...STILL not my engine, not my call..NOR thank feck my doc, you are posting on here one must accept our comments,and hopefully regard then as useful .but its your call as what you do,that i understand..even if you and malcolm are wrong..
I can always get the flywheel redrilled for the crank thats not a problem, weld in a new plate and redrill centre if needed
As I said the bores are fine they're not shiny or overly worn they're a little dull and oily from being sprayed by my mate whilst its been in storage, marks are gone now but they're still fine from fingernail and sight test. Malcolm hasn't seen the engine himself as its a bit of a pain to move about but yes I could bring it to his if needed. Yes a set of Hastings over size rings are only $60 from the states then customs and postage on top so maybe $100 total but for the sake of it now I may as well run it then do it at a later date if the engines good for another 20k which will take me a long time to rack up in a toy
Shells I've already said I'll check as I can get new ones fairly easily over here, just bring old ones to local bearing shop
I will get a second opinion on the flywheel but as long as its perfectly concentric I don't really see why it'd be an issue if not I can probably find one with the same PCD. Messaged the ebay seller with the 402 and he's finding out for me tomorrow