Ask Any Old Git (ceptin fer lord slob)

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slob said:
oh yes dearie am so anonoyed.. yer the best yet at getting we wound up.. ah take ma hat orf to ye, well daft can take his orf cos i dint got one

"Dearie" sound like an old lady...........thought you were off to play at being busy??
wot diz "pacifated" mean?

after an extensive search of the old memory banks am afraid to say ave come up wiff a blank on that one. none of my dictionaries have a listing for it, including the oxford english dictionary.
i have found reference to it on some websites but i'm going with the idea that it is a wurd made up bysomeone to make them appear more brighter than what they really is. it seems to have slipped into useage amongst certain workers in the metal protection industry.
the closest wurd i can find is pacified which i don't think can be twisted far enough to fit in with the useage of pacifated.
not even a wumun could twist it that far.

so any reference to pacifated can be nulled and voided till proof of its exsistance in a proper dictionary can be established.
it could be a miss-spilt passivated but as it seems to be mainly septics that use pacifated. we can just discount that possibility and just denouce the yanks as being thick and unable to use ra inglish langauge correctly.
Hey Slob, I've always needed to know:

How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

Yours in excitedly anticipationedness.
