Been away in Rome this week. Awesome place. Full of military Defenders!
They were all of the place, as were soldiers all carrying assault rifles. First time I tried to take a picture one of the soldiers wagged a finger at me with a very stern face. I decided not to take the shot

I waited until the two soldiers had walked behind the Landy before I took this shot.
For this shot we were sat at a restaurant across the street and I had the camera on the table next to my plate.
Soldiers were everywhere. In the streets they were in pairs standing beside a Defender or Iveco armoured 4x4 trucks, in the metro stations and train stations they were in pairs by the entry turnstiles. Lots of police around too, most of which were armed.
Anyway, got a few small jobs done today.
Folded a rectangular cuboid out of thin aluminium to house the micro relays I bought for the front door light switches. Cut a rectangular slot for the relay to push in to and then half filled with araldite inside to bond the relay in. The cuboid is 20mm x 12mm x 9mm
Etch primed, painted and lacquered.
Looks great, but doesn't fit!

It'll be fine if I take the roller off though.
I couldn't get the fog light to work. Traced the right wire from the colour code I looked up on the 300Tdi wiring schematic Kwakerman sent me (Cheers, mate, Very useful) Took the switch apart, wondering why it didn't rock right over in to the 'on' position. Found out it just caused a relay to latch on after a quick pulse of electricity. Took the fuse out, tested it, ok. Put everything back together and it worked! No idea why it decided to though!
Bolted the rear door wiring harness bracket to the door and pop riveted the rear door switch push plate in place.
That remind me, first thing I did this morning was open the rear door and the alarm when off! So, the internal sensor must be working

For some reason, that wasn't connected when I took the Landy apart. Good news for future security.
Took the door side of the front hinges off and fitted the wing mirrors.
Put the stainless bolts in the drill and ground the diameters down while I was on. At some stage I'll have to repaint the hinges because the heads of the bolts cut the paint and they are rusting through.
Mrs went in to town and so I got her to get me two new number plates. The originals look old and are scratched and have the screw holes in. These ones I'm going to stick on.
I still need one more hanger bracket for the exhaust, but I'm going to phone the garage on Monday and see when I can book it in for an MOT