.... that you couldn't really make it up.

That useless waste of skin (the wife's brother) has just been on the phone for over an hour whining to her that....
- No one understands.
- His life is hard (although he didn't work from his early 20's onwards).
- The govt. taking all his benefits away was wrong, he's special and rules of behaviour don't apply to him (like Donald Trump).
- He needs a car to make his life more bearable (but he has no money for insurance/tax/running costs).
- He has asked his Mum to "lend" him £10,000 for a reasonable vehicle (although when the DHS stopped all his benefits they gave him £2k tax-free to get himself a car with, and he just spent it.
- As my wife sorts all her mum's money out, will she help him get the £10k from the old girls account(s).
Now, at his point my wife laid into him something fierce (good for her, I say).
It got really heated, but she told him it is nothing to do with her, if he wants to ponce off their mother that's just between the two of them and other than recording it for any financial division after the old girl passes she isn't interested.
I just cannot believe the sheer gall of the bloke. It makes me very cross that he upsets my wife with his selfishness.
I shall laugh myself silly when he buys a lemon and it fails on him.