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Peg some washin out, it'll rain within a few minutes :p
I took some in this morning expecting it to rain.
I had another load to go out but left it in the basket.
It has just had another quick burst, but then it stopped again after less than a minute.
I'll give it another chance before hanging something on the line!! ;)
Engine in my little truck is running rough
It's a Briggs and Stratton 12 hp intek engine and only done a few hours from new.
The engine ran lovely three months ago, very smooth tickover and very slow tickover if required.

Started her up the other week to prepare for Autumn show and the engine wouldn't idle, any where near tickover and the engine would kick and backfire so
I put new fuel in
Cleaned and gapped the plug
Cleaned out the float bowl and blew carb cleaner through the jets, all clean
Cleaned the flywheel

Engine still the same, wont idle and backfires at low revs, like it's running weak
No adjustment on carb except for one screw with a plastic shroud on it which goes quarter of a turn only

Going to gap the coil tomorrow
Something not right after standing three months but can't think what it might be
Any suggestions appreciated
I think there was a thing on internet I watched saying the carbs are crap and you have to drill a larger hole in it give it a search on Google it was on a yank garden m/c site 👍👍