I would just like to say

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I know mate :(,
personally i think its a con by the banks/government to get people to spend rather than save.
Which is great if you are loaded but not so good if you just want to save for a better retirement on a normal wage.
I will definitely buy some bonds. Just looking at them now, is it the premium bonds i purchase?
The £25 each ones. :)

NS&I you go to. Be as well to wait to nearer the end of the month as they sit for the first month before being entered into draw. So first draw for you would be March
When eye gottid me fone it hadda screen recorder fing onnit. There's no settings to change anyfink but it now limits recording to one minnit only. This is annoying as eye uses me fone recording ma hippos diagnostics while driving. Eye has gorra nuvva free app which does the same fing and tested it last nite. 28 minnit recording. So eye is appy.
In general, if the man in the street/pub is talking about it... then the lions share of the gains have already been taken.

I too have looked round at different options. I would rather use PB's and back accounts instead if investing. There are investment funds you can pay into like a stock which are 'monitored and invested for you' as a group, which offer a gentle profit. They buy and sell investments in and out of the group fund, so do the finking for you. You effectively buy a number of units (% of fund) and can sell them at a later date for current market value at the time. In general they have a ftse style 250 or 350 mix of holdings. On average there should be growth long term without the ftse 100 sudden highs and drops.

Some take the p*ss about me savings account and PB's but having accessible money to one side can be helpful. Like when yer car or boiler fails. It also means yer don't need to pay interest on purchases like cars. In reality the money does reduce a bit each year as fings yer buy goes up, in comparison. Not everyone is in the situation to save like this. But if yer can then the oft set of avoiding purchase interest costs can make it a more desirable option. It does for me.
Very true mate,
I work to hard for my money to risk it. Like yourself i want oso to be able to have money to hand if required when needed not have to wait 90 days or risk penalties.
I am going to buy myself some premium binds in a weeks time. Thanks for the info much appreciated
Morning all, I am on my own this weekend. My middle daughter got knocked over on a Zebra crossing on Thursday. She is not seriously hurt thankfully but the Mrs is going down to see her while I stay and look after the dog.
I am going to be servicing the 90 and replacing the water pump that threw its bearing before Christmas :)
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hope your daughter is ok, enjoy your weekend
I am good with money saving wise, but I just want to be able to put a small amount of money into a scheme/fund and add to it weekly to hopefully gain money.:)
I will purchase some bonds though , good idea as i wont be tempted to spend that money then.
Thank you Sir :);)

If you still have a mortgage paying that down is a good investment too:) 1 of the best when I did mine as the rate was highish.

We invest in "funds" too and they do well, as you can add too and get out of them easily it doesn't tie up your money too much.
Have you asked at your bank they often do them but are not usually advertised to the average Joe;).

Evening folks:).

Its been raining here too all night and today so change of plan:).

We went into town today to do a supply run, 250quids worth fills the back of a proper Range rover:) Mind you I am thinking the cat food is starting to encroach on my beer space lately:eek:.
We buy butter and cheese in 2.5kg blocks and we are using the last 1s so 1 each of them.
Had curryvertz and chips at the food cart in the carpark of Metro on the way out, cant beat a romantic take out:D.

Back home and kicked the fire as its still chilly ere:). soon be cosy:D.
