It was a weekend of mixed success with the poorly TD4. I replaced the turbo core, after cleaning everything up. The vanes were in a right state being coked up with soot, and needing quite a lot of force to move. So all nice and shiny now, and move with the slightest touch. - And following a lot of arm twisting, grazing and bruising, the turbo is back secured to the rear of the engine.
So, all the other bits back together, started her up, after having plenty of goes with the injectors disconnected, to prime the turbo core, in addition to previous squirt from the syringe. That relief when everything starts and runs.

Then after a minute or so, revved it slowly, and could hear the turbo spooling. Job done!
That's the good bit. The bad news is that the blue smoke is still there every time I take it above 2000 RPM. I drove it up and down in low gear on a bit of couple of hundred yards of private land next door* and the blue smoke is still there (*can't drive on the road still, as no MOT).
Huge disappointment, and sadly I think it's a stage nearer to the knackers yard. The silicon turbo/intercooler hoses felt very sweaty after about half hour of driving up and down, so I was expecting oil to be present again, and it was..., dripping out of that first lower hose after the turbo when I disconnected it :-(
Checked the PCV was working, (it was) and also swapped a spare one I had in. Same result, (with a clean blue filter of course). The blue smoke after driving past 2000 RPM.
So a compression test kit is on order from eBay today, which I think is going to seal its fate, as I can only now think the oil is entering the combustion intake via the seals in the engine.
After everything that has been spent on the fuel system in recent months, I'm not sure I have the stomach (or time and money) to throw more at it. In the meantime I'm pinning everything on hoping the compression test is good, and maybe, what's already in the system just needs to be burnt off in a good run. Fingers crossed! - For although a recon head looked less physically painful on the arms to fit than the turbo was, it looks quite a task. And if it's the piston rings, then it will really be serious think time, although I could do the clutch at the same time, which is probably one of there next items on the list to cause problems.