New Nanocom...sorted the car....then died!!

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Active Member
South East London - Croydon
Evening all!!

I know I should be asking BBS but u guys are more hands on!!

I had engine disabled on the dash, couldn't press remote as unsynced, couldn't do eka in door as didn't work. So plugged in the Nanocom for a play. Was told it won't help, but wondered what I had spent 400quid on?!

Anyways, found a page that said disarm...pressed it, it wanted eka code...popped that starts!! Said something about alarm trigger rh front door.

But, in the process my Nanocom is only showing what the pics show....what have I done?!?

Also, it said a fault on hevac that left hand blower has short circuit to book symbol is on....anyone know what this means it won't clear as it is current. Cheers again!!


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Evening all!!

I know I should be asking BBS but u guys are more hands on!!

I had engine disabled on the dash, couldn't press remote as unsynced, couldn't do eka in door as didn't work. So plugged in the Nanocom for a play. Was told it won't help, but wondered what I had spent 400quid on?!

Anyways, found a page that said disarm...pressed it, it wanted eka code...popped that starts!! Said something about alarm trigger rh front door.

But, in the process my Nanocom is only showing what the pics show....what have I done?!?

Also, it said a fault on hevac that left hand blower has short circuit to book symbol is on....anyone know what this means it won't clear as it is current. Cheers again!!

If you unplugged your Nanocom when it was still doing something you may have scrambled it's memory:eek: It can happen with the Faultmate so I guess it can also happen with the Nanocom.:(

Either the blower motor is duff or the speed control for the motor has failed would be my first thoughts:) The book symbol will be due to the blower motor fault.
Cheers Data!

First as always!!

Think I might have started the car with it plugged in....maybe it was that? Any ideas what to do next....?

What should I do about the blower? That is why the pass side only ever blows cold then!!
Cheers Data!

First as always!!

Think I might have started the car with it plugged in....maybe it was that? Any ideas what to do next....?

What should I do about the blower? That is why the pass side only ever blows cold then!!
That would most likely be due to failed Blend Motors...the little servo motors that move the mixer flaps and distribution flaps....
Cheers Data!

First as always!!

Think I might have started the car with it plugged in....maybe it was that? Any ideas what to do next....?

What should I do about the blower? That is why the pass side only ever blows cold then!!

I suggest you contact BBS about the Nanocom. Starting the engine causes lots of electrical spikes but I would have thought that the Nanocom would be protected from that.

As for the blower motor, pull it out and test it/repair it or replace it:)
Mine failed like this ,it went back to be sorted. You need to contact BBS .
I am pretty sure starting the car shouldn't cause it.I stert my P38 with it connected all the time.
Mine did this when I put the codes in.
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R/H front door alarm trigger is when you open it with key having locked it with remote. Entering EKA code into Nanocom does exactly what entering it by key turning does, disarms alarm. Looks like you may have pressed something you should not have. SD card fail means it is looking for a backup on SD card but if you have no SD card in, it obviously can't find it. Just switch it off and see if it reboots, if not contact Colin for instructions. You may be able to sort it by reloading BBS 1.06 update. But don't quote me on that.
Cheers guys!!

Data - What do I need to pull out? And how to test??

Wammers - was thinking about reloading the software...worth a try.
I can't use remotes at the mo, the only way is the key. It works find unlocking/locking but the time it went wrong the central locking didn't work. Also it wouldn't take the eka code at all....u think the door switchy thing is faulty??

Cheers guys!!

Data - What do I need to pull out? And how to test??

Wammers - was thinking about reloading the software...worth a try.
I can't use remotes at the mo, the only way is the key. It works find unlocking/locking but the time it went wrong the central locking didn't work. Also it wouldn't take the eka code at all....u think the door switchy thing is faulty??


You can't load software if you can't select Kernal mode.
There are some new instructions on user manual. Don't know if it has anything to do with what has happened to yours. But they are in bold red. You MUST recycle key after talking to certain ECUs.
I was going to buy one of these but if they are tempremental I might not bother and go for a hawk eye instead!
Recycling the key is just to reset the systems its a good practise.
The ABS is one in particular that requires it...
Cheers guys!!

Data - What do I need to pull out? And how to test??

Wammers - was thinking about reloading the software...worth a try.
I can't use remotes at the mo, the only way is the key. It works find unlocking/locking but the time it went wrong the central locking didn't work. Also it wouldn't take the eka code at all....u think the door switchy thing is faulty??


Pull the blower motor out, never done it but there are threads on it. The speed controller fails or it could be the motor itself. Easiest way is just get a replacement off Ebay and try that. Not expensive:)