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If you are as flexible as a Russian Gymnast, and you have the ability to think round problems, they aren't to bad, Passanger side is fairly easy, drivers side requires some dexterity and thought....Saint, u was right, and I can't read!! The blend motor is gone. Is this a hard job?? Gonna order one 2day.
Offical method is to remove the dash, but a good number of short cuts have been found, try www.rangerovers.net for quite a good example.
You will need a Torx socket (either E10 or 15 can't remember which) to unbolt the passanger side airbag module, I didn't realise this, and had to drive to the local autofactors to buy the required socket, with half the passanger side dismantled....
I have only done the passanger side and the general procedure is:
- Disconnect battery wait 10 minutes to fully discharge
- Remove lower glove box trim
- Open Glove Box and start removing the 5-6 screws holding the surround in place
- Remove Glove Box hinge bolts at the bottom of the Glove box
- Unbolt airbag module, no need to disconnect plugs
- Carefully remove the yellow airbag harness from is clips/holders
- Place Airbag on top of dashboard ensuring it can't fall
- You can now see the Blender motor
- With care you can unscrew the motor without removing any ducting in the way, but the ducting is quite flexible so you can just about move it enough to get to the mounting screws
- Refit is the reversal of the above....