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  1. wesley64

    engine immobilizer and hawkeye

    I have all that you have mentioned.fool tank and eggsource are on order. having done several td5 conversions thought I would challenge myself. will probably buy a blackbox fault mate or t4 test book as converting land rovers is my second at home hobby/extra income.
  2. wesley64

    engine immobilizer and hawkeye

    thanks for the replies.actually i am converting a kv6 auto to a td4 auto. i have the matching engine ecu,immobilizer,body control,steering colum,key etc. i was hoping there was a diagnostic tool like the nanocom i use for my td5s for learning the ecurity codes. i guess t4 test book will be the...
  3. wesley64

    engine immobilizer and hawkeye

    td4 auto just curious,but will the hawkeye sync a different ecu to the immobilizer ecu. my nanocom will do this for the discovery td5 was hoping a hawkeye would do same for the freelander 1 thanks brett
  4. wesley64

    td5 disco 2 zf gear box

    i will probably use the same torque converter.shipping to canada is a little pricey from!i have never seen a zf fail yet.have a collection of them from my conversions.cant get rid of them even for a $100 each. the d2s from 1999-2002 had the hp22 and 2003-2004 had hp24.bigger clutch packs i...
  5. wesley64

    td5 disco 2 zf gear box

    hello all.i am putting a td5 engine in a 2004 v8 disco auto.was wondering if the td5 will function properly with the zf4hp24 rather than the zf4hp22.of course i will change torque converter and bell well as software with nanocom. thanks brett
  6. wesley64

    nanocom with td5

    thanks for the info i have a nanocom coming. brett
  7. wesley64

    nanocom with td5

    hello all,i am currently converting a nas d2 v8 auto to a td5 the install 80% complete.fuel press near 5 bar while cranking and running for 1sec,new ckp sensor,new injector washers and o rings,new injector harness. i am looking to match my nas bcu to a td5 ecu.with the bcu to ecu...
  8. wesley64

    hello sierrafery,i am converting a nas disco2 v8 to a question is ,will the nas bcu work...

    hello sierrafery,i am converting a nas disco2 v8 to a question is ,will the nas bcu work with the td5 ecu?also i have the the matching bcu for the td5 ecu,and key fob but the immoblizer will not shut off. what are my options thanks brett
  9. wesley64

    disco 1 heater core

    removed heater core yesterday.could not see where it was leaking.lubricated o rings with petroleum jelly,put the pipes on,placed in sink full of water and pressurized with about 30lbs of air and no leaks from core or o rings.??core was quite plugged so i blew air through both pipes to clear...
  10. wesley64

    disco 1 heater core

    1999 disco 1 300tdi
  11. wesley64

    disco 1 heater core

    nope,no short cuts apparently lol.i know what i will be doing on the weekend thanks brett
  12. wesley64

    disco 1 heater core

    hello all,i will be replacing the heater core in my discovery1 soon and am wondering if anyone has discovered any short cuts to make the job easier.i believe that it had been leaking prior to my ownership and the PO had put stop leak in the cooling system and plugged the heater core.any help...
  13. wesley64

    300tdi auto

    nothing to worry about then.thanks for the replies brett
  14. wesley64

    300tdi auto

    questioning anyone with a 300tdi auto.i am not sure if torque converter is locking up properly.was wondering what other members rpm's are at 60mph or 100kph.mine are at about 2250 at 100kph.on my dodge cummins I can feel lock up easily,but this zf I am not able to feel it. thanks brett
  15. wesley64

    300tdi swap. Tips for installation?

    when I do my 300tdi conversions I always find it easier to put the engine in first and then lift the gearbox up to it.that being said your gear box is still in the disco,it may be easier to lower gear box slightly before dropping the engine is a bit of a pain aligning the clutch spline to...
  16. wesley64

    kick down cable

    any body know where i can buy a good used or new kick down cable for a 300tdi auto?email [email protected] thanks brett
  17. wesley64

    v6 to diesel conversion

    pushing the v6 off a cliff is the easy part.fining a td4 in canada is the hard part
  18. wesley64

    v6 to diesel conversion

    so the best thing would be to buy engine,transmission and transfercase and prop shafts as well as all the electronic associated with the diesel. brett
  19. wesley64

    v6 to diesel conversion

    hello,my name is brett from canada.have posted on disco forum but not here yet.i have recently converted a v8 disco to 300 i am looking to convert a freelander v6 auto to appears that all of our 2.5 v6's suffer from dropped liners/head gasket failure.diesels are not available...
  20. wesley64

    300tdi MPG final verdict

    gospel.calculated it on sunday.350miles 55liters-12.3imp out to 28miles per gallon.this is in white rock b.c. canada.maybe not as many stops and starts as where you are,but alot of that was vancouver city driving.regardless,my 2002 dodge ram with a 5.9 cummins is hopeful to get...