Did put this in disco section but thought it might be more relevant here.....
Hi everyone, towing my daughter's horse from Folkestone to Gloucester. 40 mins from Gloucester on the A417 yesterday. I suffered a runaway. Black smoke and loss of power. Pulled over and as soon as I dipped the clutch it started. High revs. White smoke everywhere. I can't describe how much there was. Turned ignition off and managed to stall it in 5th. I'm guessing the extra weight of the trailer helped. I feel I managed it with in 20 seconds so I'm really hoping no damage to the engine. I won't know till I get the car back. RAC couldn't get it home with me so I got a hire car home, car will be delivered in 3 to 5 days time. Only just got it back on the road after loads of welding and lots of new stuff including a radiator, front and rear brakes, front bearings, a frame ball joint, track rod ends and lots of other little stuff. Really gutted. When I get the car back I'll see if my dash cam caught it.....
Anyone else had this and engine been okay?