1. Coley53

    Any bugger got a decent disco 1/2 looking for a good home?

    No, I’ve had them all, including 2 freelanders, I’ve got a lovely P38 with one problem…..knackered liners, its running luvverly…but with the dreaded tick tick, tick and water shortages…..anyone wanting a divorce, mental breakdown and hours of hard Labour…yours for the price of a reconditioned...
  2. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Buggerinhell it’s hot, desk fan and celling fan gannin like the clappers and it’s still ower warm.
  3. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Yon Hamilton was a sneaky bugger…, don’t follow motors sports…but we won-)
  4. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Cubs, scouts, sea cadets, TA, regular army….do yer 22 or return to a decently paid job in civvy st .a …natural one time progression……unfortunately gone, kids….oops sorry …’the younger generation’ …courtesy of one T Blair seem to think that however thick they may be, they are still entitled to...
  5. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Wish I could, two nights in Scunthorpe were sweltering, got back home it’s overcast but still uncomfortably hot.
  6. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    You ain’t kidding…fan going full blast in our hotel room and it’s still sweltering.
  7. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Same in the travellodge, Scunthorpe even with the fan going full blast…..sweaty night ahead
  8. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Leaving everything to No 2 son with instructions to divide as He sees fit, with already given ‘appropriations’ to be deducted…..we are lucky, he is straight as a die……not like his da…..suspect like, No 1 son he has inherited morals and decency from his stepmother…..who turned me onto the...
  9. Coley53

    I would just like to say

  10. Coley53

    Any bugger got a decent disco 1/2 looking for a good home?

    Preferably Epsom green, I know me quest seems somewhat ‘suicidal’ but I’ve just had the somewhat dubious pleasure of driving a modern car (Toyota corrolar) down the A1…..think about braking? and it slams the anchors on, accelerating? either slam the pedal down or creep past thon lorry doing...
  11. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    How big is your lawn? Just to get a bit of perspective?
  12. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Put it this way, he’s only getting now what he will probably get when we turn our toes up, I have given cash help to both my sons and various other relatives, but I have told them what they get now will be deducted from their eventual settlements, so those not askin for help now will get a...
  13. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    I’ve just had the horror of horrors driving from Morpeth to Scunthorpe, big closure of the A1…naively thought diversions signs would be in place…..not a chance …big sign saying ‘road closed ahead follow diversions’ nothing after that, after an hour and a half exploring Durham and North...
  14. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    If you can find them, doing up a new single axel trailer, son says giz a couple of cable ties Da, hunted high n low…..and I know I’ve got 2 packs..8” and 10”. And I can’t put me hands on either!
  15. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    And timorra should be a good day, gannin doon ti Scunthorpe ti see No 1 son and family, our one and only grandougter has forgotten what we look like, thon zoom doesn’t cut it when families need cuddles. Lots ov cuddles n alcohol aheid Bit ****ed off that we need a hire car when thon P38 was...
  16. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Looks like it hasn’t been deprived of TLC?
  17. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    Top of the morning to yis aall woken up by the builder mekkin an orly start, buggerinell he’s a grafter.
  18. Coley53

    I would just like to say

    You haven’t, don’t be daft. For some reason I am inundated with likes….even Kermit must be jealous-)