I went a wee drive today found a cracking spot to sunbath for a while.....
.....'twas far too hot to sit out there in the La-Fuma recliner this afternoon, I was melting.
I managed a nice bbq'd burger for me and her for dinner (she made oven-cooked potato wedges) and we watched some good TV together.
Feeling sleepy after a few drinks so I am off to my pit. Goodnight & God-bless everyone. :)
.....'twas far too hot to sit out there in the La-Fuma recliner this afternoon, I was melting.
I managed a nice bbq'd burger for me and her for dinner (she made oven-cooked potato wedges) and we watched some good TV together.
Feeling sleepy after a few drinks so I am off to my pit. Goodnight & God-bless everyone. :)
Burger, alcohol and a good nights sleep.
Sounds good :)
Well I think we can all tell that @kevstar has had a day off!
He's well full of it!
Good for you mate!
We got up late, here it's been warmer, dry and intermittent sun so tomoz I'll be under the Disco topping up the gearbox and trying to get to the bottom of the thrum...thrum...thrum.
No wait, feck that, tomoz is Sunday!
Anyway, today after going on tinternet I tried out formulas for homemade chandelier cleaner as we have three of the little beggars in the lounge/diner and we is doing a deep clean.
Quite good fun spraying them with various different concoctions and seeing what happens. We is blessed with soft water so I think I'll leave out the Rinse aid, next time.
One down, two to go. ;)
Apart from that not much to report except that the weird weather here, as elsewhere, has resulted in weird cropping in our orchard and on our fruit bushes. We seem to have more crab apples than anything else.:(
Sleep tite gang!
I didnt want to put a link on that post, Im really not sure wot happened ??? :confused:

Oh aye im always full of it :D:D
Just sometimes fuller of it than at other times, but this time I meant more full of fun!!!
I'm full of it too, so welcome to the "full of it" club!!!!!That looked like a really nice spot where you did your sunbathing. And the weather looked nice too.
Not used to seeing the Northern parts of the UK in sunny summer weather.
Last time I was in Scotland in the summer was two years before I got married to my ex, 1979. I took her up there to show her the place and to stay with peeps we both knew en route.
We spent a week there and the sun didn't shine once. Camping!:rolleyes: we sure found out why they called it Boat of Garten, we sure needed one!
When I got back to my dad's place I got the photos back I had taken and my dad got his out from the time he'd last been there. Funnily we had taken a lot from the same places, only in his we could see the tops of the Bens and some blue sky!
Still love it though!:):):)
Funnily I nearly suggested that. It was what happened when my Gran gave me and 1st wife a bit of money towards the deposit on the first house. but then I didn't feel like reminding anyone of his/her mortality.
My problem is I have no one to leave my dosh to, that is in the family. Bro with serious health probs prolly won't outlive me, his one son, my only living relative that i know about this side of the pond, has just been bought a house by said bruv, with money he inherited from his own dead wife :)rolleyes:) so I don't think he needs any extra, and all Wifey's kids and our grandkids seem to be well off-ish too.
So whatdye do? Dog's trust? and altering wills is SO expensive. We've already done it a time or two.

But yes I think as you get older, your plan makes sense.

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