Leaving everything to No 2 son with instructions to divide as He sees fit, with already given ‘appropriations’ to be deducted…..we are lucky, he is straight as a die……not like his da…..suspect like, No 1 son he has inherited morals and decency from his stepmother…..who turned me onto the straight and narrow….after some struggles-)
But I is well behaved these days…..honestly
Int that called air-con ?
No cus air con conditions the air, by making a change to it. Like changing the temperature. My device will pump the air somewhere else. Hence moving the hot air as opposed to making a change to it. Theory being cooler air will then enter me castle to replace it.

Eye does have an air con unit but that costs money to run. Not sure ont consumption. Tis down stairs. Will have a look morra.
Opening the windows only dropped the temp by 1 degree upstairs. Currently 27. Eye had a 3 hour nap downstairs then came up ferra baff and washed me hair. Currently lay ont me bed wiv just pants ont.

Eye has had a good satdi. Woke up feeling energised and got tid me two rad valves changed. Then gottid me last two motors fittid. Messed around bleeding it. More cr*p ont me magnet filter bit not much. The good news is the rad watta that came oat was clear and smelled of cleaning stuff. So me systems is int betterer condition than eye fort
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Still alive. Sun on the way up.
Mornin folks
Wery gentle day potterin about yesdi, it were wery ot.
Nice lady at wuk brung in a 2nd paddly pool for Fuzzybutt but, unlike a muddy puddle, she dunt seem keen to lie in it. :rolleyes:
I has put a dark tarp over paddly pool one in the hope of it gettin a nickle bit warmerer.
I gots cold water shock when I got in yesdi, luckily dry land weren't far away an I nose how to float..:cool:

Mus get crackin, we has wuk to do an there's a lovely pint on the far side of it callin me. :)

Remember peeps:
Slip, Slap, Slop.
Tickli all the baldies :p
Morning folks:).

well I have not done any work yet and the temp at the moment is leaning towards a day of dipping and hiding from said sun:).
Might go and tidy the garage as it should be cool in there:). At least that way I can justify the food and beer input later while watching the F1:D.

Have a good 1 everybody:).

Just sometimes fuller of it than at other times, but this time I meant more full of fun!!!
I'm full of it too, so welcome to the "full of it" club!!!!!That looked like a really nice spot where you did your sunbathing. And the weather looked nice too.
Not used to seeing the Northern parts of the UK in sunny summer weather.
Last time I was in Scotland in the summer was two years before I got married to my ex, 1979. I took her up there to show her the place and to stay with peeps we both knew en route.
We spent a week there and the sun didn't shine once. Camping!:rolleyes: we sure found out why they called it Boat of Garten, we sure needed one!
When I got back to my dad's place I got the photos back I had taken and my dad got his out from the time he'd last been there. Funnily we had taken a lot from the same places, only in his we could see the tops of the Bens and some blue sky!
Still love it though!:):):)

I knew what you meant haha Nice place you camped at though, iirc there is a speed camera heading south on the 30mph but the sign was hidden by a bush, coming from a 50mph I didnt see the camera
until the last min & slammed on the anchors the one lad in the front was sleeping nearly ended up on
the floor. haha Its been nice to get a good spell of sunshine, it makes everyone that bit happier.:):)

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