Evening all..We ended up going to The Ardlui hotel to get a meal, walked in got asked if we wanted
a table an what would we like to drink all good. Drinks came oot mines wrong misses said O dear
the food order will be a disaster. Drinks sorted then asked for a menu....O sorry the kitchen is only
open to the hotel residents as one of the kitchen staff got covid last week, ok fk drinks we're off.
Misses spoke with them no need to pay for the drinks. :)
Ended up at the next pub up the road.. The drovers Inn. Was ok sat outside order yer food online
tis a right pita I like to see a proper menu.
What a complete pain in the Anus.
Mebbe next time you'll take a picnic so you'll be sure what you ordered gets delivered!;)
Oh dear!
where eggsactly is it leaking from?:(:(:(
The bit where you screw the metal fing into the rad. The fing that hat the valve slide onto the other end. Eye did put some ptfe tape on it's thread. But fink eye need to put more on this time. Or some other substance which plumbers use which eye guess eggsists as yer sometimes see it ont plastic piping to assist sealing it.
Me too, bunch of twits.
Shame, put me oft the forces, on reflection might have done me well :rolleyes:
Cubs, scouts, sea cadets, TA, regular army….do yer 22 or return to a decently paid job in civvy st .a …natural one time progression……unfortunately gone, kids….oops sorry …’the younger generation’ …courtesy of one T Blair seem to think that however thick they may be, they are still entitled to a ‘university education’ ie ****ing 9k a year against the wall in student loans knowing full well they will never be in a position to pay it back.
The bit where you screw the metal fing into the rad. The fing that hat the valve slide onto the other end. Eye did put some ptfe tape on it's thread. But fink eye need to put more on this time. Or some other substance which plumbers use which eye guess eggsists as yer sometimes see it ont plastic piping to assist sealing it.
For the threaded inserts into the radiators I have always used either lots of PTFE tape or a generous smearing of Boss-White non-setting compound.
Morning All :D
Another lovely day here. :)
Taking the Mrs off to the garden shop for plants, compost and such later.
Then visiting my boy to admire his new garden that I paid for. ;)
Called the Gym to cry off my session this morning, now for some breakfast. :)
Have a lovely day everyone. :D
For the threaded inserts into the radiators I have always used either lots of PTFE tape or a generous smearing of Boss-White non-setting compound.
Same here, always use TONS of ptfe as the inserts are always way too loose. Reckon its down to use of parallel threads in the modern radiators, should use tapered threads which would seal up no problem :rolleyes:.

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