Tonight I have nice neighbours.
Just had a text to say they think my house is being “robbed” as a different car is in the garden & the dogs are barking
Quick look on the cameras & all is fine. It’s my house/dog sitter & her boyfriend arriving as my Mrs is working away.

Now do I remind the young couple there are cameras (except in the bedrooms) all around the house & garden?

Hell no why would you do that :D
Morning folks:).

Already done 2 1/2 hrs out side and now its starting to get to the point where its 15mins on then 15mins in the shade:eek: Body is leaking alot, I was always told skin was waterproof, But it lets wata out tis clever stuff this skin:D.
Its already 24 in me shady area to cool off:eek:.

Looks like BG is going on the UKs green list, Now do I really need to go to the UK;) Errrrrr No:).

Have a good 1 everyone:).


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