Well we've had a bit of a saga with one of our neighbours who agreed to mow our lawn when we were away like he did last year, for a consideration.
Last year he went in every 3-4 weeks cut the grass and at the end of our time in FR we went back and he asked £100 or so, very fair we thought.
This time we thought we had agreed the same thing but over a series of emails it transpired he has spent 6.5 hours in our garding and is wanting £100 already, he won't send us pictures of the garden as he says he doesn't take pictures of a "job half done"!:rolleyes:
He kept on asking us how much we wanted to spend and what sort of standard we wanted him to work to, etc etc.:eek:
This guy prides himself on being a garden remodeller and his website is full of pics of work he has done, which look great. BUT.......:eek:
Anyway, after a bit of toing and froing, (all via email) he has agreed to do just the same as last year.:rolleyes:
So now it'll cost us twice as much and we don't really know what took hold of him.
Well we sort of do. His wife confided in me that he suffers with depression and I have had one or two weird conversations with him where he seemed overwound.
Wifey and I think he may be bipolar without doing any research into symptoms etc.
So we feel sorry for him and have had to walk on eggshells to get him to this point.
Always difficult asking or agreeing with a neighbour to do stuff for you for money. But he is good and trustworthy. Or has been till now.
We have in the past employed a bloke, he took the money and went round to our place very rarely, according to dottir who pops in regular and sees what has or hasn't been done.
So on balance we feel we have done the right thing, but it ain't easy. I do help him out with cars a bit and he is very grateful for it all. He gave us a box of chocolates after he sold the car I'd helped him with.
Nice people, would hate to upset them.

All fun, eh?

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