You need to train your missus to decramp you.
I've been doing it since my rugby playing days at school, in a dorm you could more or less guarantee a bloke would get it every other day.
Wifey gets it in the leg that has the paralysed foot on the end. :(
Mrs Kevstar just needs to straighten out your leg then put pressure on the ball of your foot until it passes. One hand pushing down on your knee, tother on the ball of the foot pushing it toward the knee to stretch the calf muscle. Hurts a bit till it's gone.
And don't release too suddenly, or too soon.
(The doctor is now "out"):):):):)

Straighten my leg ffs it was like a fence post, I nearly booted her right oot the bed haha
No chance of a nice rub after ive stripped the covers right off her it was like pulling a table
cloth with a load of dishes on it. :D:D
Still very sore :(
Sat here think about starting tea:)

Splish splash.... M says look.

View attachment 242803

Ok lets have a look, would it make a pie;).
It has obviously dipped in the pool and regretted it. So on closer inspection its quite tame and has a ring.

View attachment 242804

Ring say NL so its along way from home, Anyway so its soaking wet (we have 2 cats) While we took pics of the ring numbers 1 cat was getting interested. Don't know why hes a whimp:eek:.
So we have put him on the upstairs terrace so he can dry out in peace, then hopefully he will **** off home:D.
apparently you should not feed as they will stay, they need to go find there own.

lets see wot appens:D


Tisint the sort of birds id have round my pool :D:D
And timorra should be a good day, gannin doon ti Scunthorpe ti see No 1 son and family, our one and only grandougter has forgotten what we look like, thon zoom doesn’t cut it when families need cuddles.
Lots ov cuddles n alcohol aheid
Bit ****ed off that we need a hire car when thon P38 was bought to do these runs, but it’s a LR and it’s mair me fault then the auld sod!
Night aall, divvint worry if am not aroond ower the next day or so, Mebbes gannin further ‘doon sooth’ to look ower D2 as interested in.
Any bugger on here looking to flog a decent one….?

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