I noticed one of the headlights wasn't working. Fortunately I had a spare bulb in the cubby box. It looks much brighter than the other one now - white rather than yellow.
Mine were the same. Found they were different makes

it'll get me home. I'm in Wales planting trees at the moment, far away from any headlight bulb shops, so I was glad I had one as I'll need to drive back to Leicester in the dark tomorrow. I know everybody else drives around with one headlight not working these days but I don't like doing so. I'll get a new matching set shortly.
Just driven home with my nice new light bulb. I think it might need adjustment because I was getting a lovely view of all the roadsigns to my left, including the ones on gantries. So it's probably pointing skywards. I thought I'd put it back the way it was, but something's out of position.
Heater fan stopped blowing. I know this beast so it was either the fuse (not blown before) or more likely as it has happened before, the fan switch earth tag behind the dash had slipped off.
Checked the fuse first, AOK with current flowing through. In doing so I had to move the central locking module which lives there and pulled one of the wires to a fuse out of its (badly) crimped female connector.
Unscrewed the dash and managed to pull it back enough with the steering wheel still on to get my hands in there and blindly reconnect the fan earth. Checked working ok so reassembled.
Then back to fuse box to crimp a new female blade to the central locking wire and reconnected to the fuse. Locks/unlocks again as it should.
Two silly simple jobs; must be saving up a biggy for later :rolleyes:
Decided to use the ‘90 for the commute to work this morning, Holy Christ it was a cold one until the heater joined in (it is very good, eventually) - it melted the ice on the inside of the windows just before Igot on to the car park at work.

The brakes decided to work part time on the way home, big fade - it’s obviously sulking! I now know what I’m doing on my day off!
Fitted a better oil catcher than breather pipe dripping on road to the 19J. Replaced the air filter, that was black with ingested oil. Stuck the mudflaps back on.

Pulled apart the dash/fuse/instrument panel mess trying to figure out why the indicators don't work from the indicator stalk, but do from the hazard flashers. I'd be happy to just patch it up to get it through the control, but I think that redoing the electrics properly may have to happen this summer.
traced an ignition live to use for the 'extra' reversing / trailor hitching lamp and added a usb voltmeter thinggy with on/off switch (prmanant live feed) on the 'radio consul' that the previous owner installed.

not that theres a radio in it as theres no way I could hear anything with the engine running (200tdi engined Ninety TUL FFW)

Changed the window channels, latch and handle in one door. Window travel improved however then went to do the same job on driver’s door only to find some helpful previous owner has welded around the inner door plate so I can’t remove to get to anything.
Guess I will do all that when I replace doors and bulkhead later this year!
Took a drive to the Forest of Dean in the 90 to collect my latest FB purchase, a light bar with four small LED spot lights. I don’t like the large single LED lights personally but this one looks much better. The seller had a very nice Tdci 90. And my 90 got a decent run too, apart from sitting in the awful Gloucester traffic… :rolleyes:o_O
Bitten the bullet, and started the job of replacing the old glass tube fuse box with a modern blade one.
The electrical glitches are getting worse, and I hope this will sort them. Or at least eliminate the fuse box as a potential source!
been on my joblist for too long......

what fusebox did you get (& where from?) - hows it as in easy or a pain in the arse:confused:

Two 8 way basic blade ones off ebay. I've had them in the parts bin for at least a year, and haven't gotten round to fitting them. I went with 8 way ones to have a few spare circuits to fit a radio and such like. Not that hearing much over a 19J is likely...
Step one is tidy the workshop.
2)Then lift out existing fuse holders, detach the metal plate, take to workshop, and enlarge openings to fit new fuse holders. Decent tinsnips are great tools!
3) Find your crimper is knackered, and order one for delivery ASAP. It's due to turn up tomorrow, delivery drivers permitting.

So I'm paused with the fusebox hanging open. I know the next bit is just the PITA job of changing the circuits over one by one, but the access is miserable. I was sitting there circuit testing with a multimeter for long enough, which is what prompted me to change it over, as endless fiddling with electrics is a miserable job.
I just hope I can get it done by Wednesday, as we've got 4 days of rain and snow forecast.
I have just completed a replacement of my very rotten battery box with a nice new shiny YRM box kit.

It has taken three days on and off with the bulk of that taking out old box, swearing at my pop rivet gun and trying to loosen bolts in door post which haven’t moved in 30 years I reckon and which eventually sheered off.

But now looks great.
Fixed the over excited indicator and lack of 1 tail light;), Tail light had blown but got a good spray of contact clean and scrub of contacts. Indicator was cruddy earth in the holder, what a surprise:rolleyes:. All fixed. till the next time probably a year I will be back doing the same again:).

Thinking about a new set of LEDs but just dont want the hassle of cheap **** that gives me more headaches for indicators. But may do Tail/stops front & back.

Decided to use the ‘90 for the commute to work this morning, Holy Christ it was a cold one until the heater joined in (it is very good, eventually) - it melted the ice on the inside of the windows just before Igot on to the car park at work.

The brakes decided to work part time on the way home, big fade - it’s obviously sulking! I now know what I’m doing on my day off!

Replaced the Servo unit with a shiny new one, bled the brakes through with fresh fluid and…….no difference at all, still no bite in the brakes! Pads and Discs are recent and the calipers are all free - so it’s back to not enough suck from the vacuum pump. That’s next weekends treat…..

I've just ordered a new battery for it. The existing one seems to be on the way out. It doesn't seem to want to hold charge for very long. There are some interesting symptoms though. When charged, it will spin the engine over fairly briskly but my TD5 will not start. Even with the assistance of the start boost function on my battery charger, it won't go, or even cough. However, I've just tried it on a known good battery and it started straight away. It just shows the TD5 is pretty sensitive to battery condition.

I can't complain, as it's lasted since mid 2016. I was a bit apprehensive because everything is so expensive these days, but I've actually paid less in 2023 than I did in 2016, just over £100 for 120 amp hours and 1000 CCA. In fact I think my last one was a bit less powerful, at 100Ah and 900 CCA for £130.

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