ming said:
Igot the balls my fleet is always on alert,just got no truck wiv earthlings[so dont poke the pig]and Mrs Ming thinks landy guys are cute,thats the only thing thats saving your world. . .:D

My fleet are killing me,
Walked miles today;)
Ok started using the chip shop oil from my chinese mates chip shop [won hung low] filterd to about 10 micron using yellas filter idea ,works a treat so still running at 20% and no problems cost of 20%=0 but a bit messy ,think once i get the hang of filtering it will be a good idea,slight smell of chips at 20% but not that noticable,next month if all is well gonna up to 30% will keep yer posted. . . .Ming :) :) :)
yella disco said:
glad you started using the patented yellafilta method minge, the invoice is in the post ;)
Hi Yella your back. . .hope ya had good hols mate ,we kinda missed ya. . .:) :) :)
yella disco said:
yeah yeah, so i noticed by the state of my house ya bunch o bastards ;)
Ok it wasnt me or Mondo , , ,more like your mates from further up. . .:Dbut the green stuff behind the cooker that was Mark Slurry[grass]. . .
mondo said:
wots the latest! Any news then Ming ?
NO running at 25% now and still ok seems ta like the hot weather on earth ,in a few weeks time gone up it ta 30% got my heater filter from e bay ,but going through the fuel cicuit on the td4 dont think its needed as it has a pre heat and return to tank system built in,still using chip shop oil filterd ta bout 10 microns[free] runs fine ,will update at 30%. . . .:)
Now this post sounds very interesting and anything to save money :D. A 25% mix would save about 15ltrs per tank full on my TD4 which is about £15 per fill at todays prices for diesel and for the miles per year I expect to do would work out at over £250 saved.

What type of filter is the 10micron one though? You mention the charcoal filter from an oven hood, so is this the main filter for taking the crud out of the chip oil or is this just part of the filter set up?

Steve :)
Hi er digital man an welcome ta the lower gaylander bit, its just me exsperimentin wif svo and so far so good, not fitted any fancy bits yet and at 25% all is fine, gonna try and hit the 40% before winter and then fit a heater/filter that i bought on e bay for the colder months and knock back to 30% as for the chip oil got the idea from a member called yella, i use a hood filter for a kitchen extractor as that is good ta 10 microns, this is good enough ta take all the ****e outa the crud[bit messy] no need for all that gettin rid of water crap they talk about as your in fact then mixing it [its not the same as refined bio] so just pour it in ,glug glug , however if your really intrested will keep an up date on this thread, all the best earthling. . . .:)
ffs ming get it up to 40% now, i'm running 50% with bio diesel at the min with no probs whatsoever ;)
oh and by the way, will you stop advertising my patented cooker hood filtration method for free ;)
yella disco said:
oh and by the way, will you stop advertising my patented cooker hood filtration method for free ;)
Sorry yella but its a good mod [crude] but it works well ,and i always give free info like youself [not a secret squirel] and as fer the 40% its a gaylander gotta be carefull its a bad world out there,snort. . . .:) :) ;)
Ok for any that are intrested the td4 is now running at 30% chip shop oil [free] and not a splutter runs fine and starts fist time every time,still on original filter no mods at all,next month will take orft the fuel filter and saw it in half ta see if its got crud in, will also take out one fuel injector to see wot is happening to that,if all is fine at 30% then will update at 35% anyway got ta go now as Mrs Ming say's ma chips is ready[sniggle]. . . :D :D :D
Apdate for any that are intrested,feel i need to make this bit very clear though, having read the nije thread on running on sump oil , dont even think about it, its true i'm running on 35% mix chip shop oil , but and this is a big butt i,m filtering it too 10 microns and i'm doing a bio reactor and washing all water out of the chip shop oil, never just stick it in yer tank as you will be asking for trouble, pure vedg oil from the shops is ok up to 30% ,the procedures of my own mix i will post after my tests have proved no problems,chips anyone. . . :)

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