Ok update still running at 35=40% bio no problems ,the gaylander will also run with the cheapest vedg oil ya can get at the moment 52p a ltr always stick it in after filling with diesel and just drive it as it will mix by itself , think 40% is the max for summer ,30%winter,it wont harm the engine in fact it will keep ya injectors free, but always start slow ie 5%-then after a week increase,as all the ****e in yer tank will be moved, so exspect ta change your fuel filter[though mine has not been a problem] if you make your own bio ,make sure its filterd to at least 5micron but 10 is best, so to recap 40% is the max dont go beyond.the weakest bit is the rear pump ,but this seems ta cope ok , have checked most seals and hoses no signs of deteriation, not sure bout the older type engine though as they used a more rubber hose material, rubber/ bio is a poor mix . .
Ow much you recon you saved ££since you went all hippy,green, Bio???
If yer dont mind me askin! or if yer bin arsed to work it out:D
mondo said:
Ow much you reckon you saved ££since you went all hippy,green, Bio???
If yer dont mind me askin! or if yer bin arsed to work it out:D
Hard one that mondo as believe it or not I'm not doing it ta save ,but yes it is nice, um lets see for every £20 I'm saving bout £5 that is at present prices of course if fuel prices rise i save even more, i make 40ltrs a week what i don't use i store, once yer set up proper it takes bout 2hrs ta make,i could save time by upping the production ,but to be honest don't like storing loads of the stuff. . .
Thats a good result then ming!;)

I can get the chip fat fer nowt, Mmmm! might give it a try.
are yer still using yellas filtering methods? ie charcole filter, or have you refined it?
mondo said:
Thats a good result then ming!;)

I can get the chip fat fer nowt, Mmmm! might give it a try.
are yer still using yellas filtering methods? ie charcole filter, or have you refined it?
for the first bit now just use a fine mesh filter[gets the old chips and union rings out [1] then a magic mix bit off heating up mix with a drill and paddle ,leave for 24hrs[2] drain orft light stuff to another container ,chuck the ****e in the bottom[you can make soap outa this][3] washin through[gets rid of any water] [4] filtering [i run through a pump and filter set up to 10 microns] [5] use it /store it,the hardest bit is the filtering ,and it is the most important bit ,what you are left with is a almost gin clear very runny liquid, its thinner than diesel itself , you could run a freelander on 100% mix ,but it would rot all ya pipes and glaze ya pistons and **** up yer injectors, that why i mix to 40%,i'm keeping it safe. . .
Hi Ming,
Hows the veg oil working so far ? I am still waiting to see the results before I try it in my TD4. My old skoda has been on it (rape seed oil) at about 10-15% in winter and as high as 70% this summer and all is ok. My friends fiat TDi stilo is on a 50% now for nearly two years and all is ok. but of couse my temps are not lower than 10°C.
yup still same mix ,dunt seem ta make any difference in cold weather, mind you aint bin really cold, still think ive hit the optimum figure fer a td4, and reckon that jist slappin asdas cheapest int tank at my figures wont harm it, but my warning is always start slow [slowly clears the ****e from the tank] if ya hit 40% in one hit you would be askin fer trouble. . . .:) :) :)
ok update . . .still running at 40% mix ,but stopped using the chip fat. . .this is cos I'm gittin lazy and to be honest its a reet pain filtering,and then yer have to get rid of all the ****e thats left over, so now Ive using pure rape seed oil un changing it to bio, this is less messy but more expensive ,bout 45p per ltr but to be honest you could jist slap the stuff in ya tank in warmer weather, but again my same old warning start off slow 10% and increase over months ,do not exceed the 40% or you'll fook it up, start to rot pipes shag injectors un glaze ya pistons, the chip shop smell kicks in about 30% but even at 40% its not that noticeable,well it runs like a dream if anything engine seems to be quieter power seems the same, might go back to chip oil int summer, if ma friend wunnhunglow can still give me free oil. . .:) :) :)
Thanks for the update on the veg oil. I am now at 10% and followed your advise on the slow build up. As weather warms will increase the %.
Have another question for you. Owners hand book lists weight of TD4 as 1550 to 1650 kg. Short of finding some scale can you tell me what can be the most probable weight of my 3 door TD4, built 2002 DEC? Carries the black hard shell and has the standard 15" rims.
its 1540kg fer a three door unladen [no fuel or luggage or peeps un animals] bit heavier fer the auto but nuffink ta worry about . . . .glad yer started slow as thats the biggest mistake peeps make, it will clean all the ****e out of ya fuel system, in France un a few other eu ****rees they have 5% bio for that reason, but not in the UK,so at 10% a slow cleaning is a good mix ,let us know how ya get on. . . .:)
[1] then a magic mix bit off heating up mix with a drill and paddle ,leave for 24hrs
[2] drain orft light stuff to another container ,chuck the ****e in the bottom[you can make soap outa this]
[3] washin through[gets rid of any water]
[4] filtering [i run through a pump and filter set up to 10 microns]
[5] use it /store it

A bit of an old thread I know but i couldna fund any updates...

I get pretty much what your doing from reading the whole thread, but what method do you use for part 3 "washing through" ?

A bit of an old thread I know but i couldna fund any updates...

I get pretty much what your doing from reading the whole thread, but what method do you use for part 3 "washing through" ?

lots er methods fer doin this [go on tinternet fer advice] myself i run through absorba don't know the technical name ,but its the stuff used for mopping up oil spillage in garages, its a lot quicker than the water method used by a lot er peeps. . . . . .anyhows gonna do an update as i now use a completely new method fer bio ,i cant be asked wiff waste oil any more [to much mess]. . . .
anyhows gonna do an update as i now use a completely new method fer bio ,i cant be asked wiff waste oil any more [to much mess]. . . .

I wait wiv keen interest on the update to see what method yer up to noo with bio, pitty the waste oil is so messy, i pass by 60 gallons oh it, out for dumping every friday on the way home..but would prolly only be wurth the hassle if i wus goin all vegie with 2 tanks...

Whit % ya runing now ?
I wait wiv keen interest on the update to see what method yer up to noo with bio, pitty the waste oil is so messy, i pass by 60 gallons oh it, out for dumping every friday on the way home..but would prolly only be wurth the hassle if i wus goin all vegie with 2 tanks...

Whit % ya runing now ?
ye can make good bio wiff wvo [waste ****e] un yes its messy but yer dunt need to go down the seperate tank crap, just mix it wiff yer normal fuel , and as its as thin as diesel no need for pre heating [peeps get all technickle on earth] . . . .:)
Reet . . .earth fuel prices goin up ,vedge update ,found the wvo a reet pain messy un time consuming , so this is not completly new to some but is fer others ,helf un safety warning [only do this outside ,wearin jist yer thunders] mix 8ltrs [cheapest vedge oil yer can get] wiff 4% white spirits [non kerosine] i use a lrge water bottle with a slight cone shape goin towards the screw top, drill hole in plastic screw top and fit a plastic tap [test and make sure it dunt leak] ok mix all the liquid by shakin it good un proper, leave bottle upside down for bout 24hrs at room temp, you will notice a dark layer at the screw top after the 24hrs , drain it orft into a container till just clear stuff is left,dump dark stuff , thats it bio , mix it wiff yer doozle no more than 40%fer a td4 in winter[yes just pour it in ya fuel tank, but make sure you have doozle in furst ] and never fill right up ,just in case you need to add more doozle , common sence really . . . .now the longer you leave it int bottle the thinner it will become ,as thin as doozle , so it flows through pipes better than just vedge oil ,typical one week un it wont get any thinner , no need to filter or wash , vedge oil un bio will degrade older types of rubber fuel pipes , lucas fuel pumps are not reccomended , the td4 is just fine for this ,but not sure about other lrs , maybe others can give advice ,as i have only tested on the td4, and it runs like a dream. . . . . .
update on TD4 running on rape seed oil mix. Still working just fine all summer ate about 35%. Now with temperatures dropping have lowered mix to 10-15%.
update . . . .still mixing 40% vedg oil in ma tank [no problems] took out one injector last week [it wer a bastid] however injector is nice un cleen ,sorry no pics forgot to take camera[twot] saw through fuel filter [clean as hell] in fact there was no need to change it. . . .reet the cost of supermarket vedg oil is now sky high ,so gonna go back to wvo from wun hung low. . . .but gonna use a different method of filtering [this is the hard part ] and gonna try a centrifuge for polishing [saves on filters] will let you know if it works or dunt. . . .:)
update . . . .still mixing 40% vedg oil in ma tank [no problems] took out one injector last week [it wer a bastid] however injector is nice un cleen ,sorry no pics forgot to take camera[twot] saw through fuel filter [clean as hell] in fact there was no need to change it. . . .reet the cost of supermarket vedg oil is now sky high ,so gonna go back to wvo from wun hung low. . . .but gonna use a different method of filtering [this is the hard part ] and gonna try a centrifuge for polishing [saves on filters] will let you know if it works or dunt. . . .:)

Is it best to filter the oil before adding the methonol/spirits or would it be easier to filter it afterwards (as it will be thinner)
I'm guessin once it's thin enough all the crap will settle to the bottom anyway?

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