Is it best to filter the oil before adding the methonol/spirits or would it be easier to filter it afterwards (as it will be thinner)
I'm guessin once it's thin enough all the crap will settle to the bottom anyway?
Well earthling it pends really [everyone has there own method]. . . .so this is mine fer wvo, i course filter using a stainless fine mesh into a bucket ,then use one leg of a pair er Mrs Ming's tights [yer dunt have to wash em ] attach to a large funnel at bottom [spout ] using a cable tie to hold it on spout un pour through funnel int a nuther bucket , this will get rid of most the ****e [chuck the tights ] then your ready fer the chemical bit , i use a titration measure kit orft e bay to get the correct figures for the process , i heat it using an old water boiler to 80 deg [this gets rid of most water,but not 100%] after the process i used to run it through absorba beads [stuff they use for mopping up oil spillage in garages] then filter to 10 microns using a pump through a big cartridge stainless filter [these are hard to get] i run it through for about 1 hour, the last part is a pain. . . .thats where the centrifuge comes in , never try ed that before so i don't know if its better , however my end results using last method is good[clear bio] but still a pain. . . . .

Are you makin' bio diesel or just cleanin' up veg oil and thinin' it with white spirits? Don't you need to add caustic and methanol to get it to go to bio ie from triglyceride to methyl ester. Or is white spirts caustic dissolved in methanol?

Are you makin' bio diesel or just cleanin' up veg oil and thinin' it with white spirits? Don't you need to add caustic and methanol to get it to go to bio ie from triglyceride to methyl ester. Or is white spirts caustic dissolved in methanol?
To make proper bio from wvo [waste ****e] or even svo [tesco's cheapest] you would have to use the white spirits[i don't use this ] caustic /methanol . . . .for wvo you would have to take a measure to get the right mix ,as every wvo will be different , but in the case of svo its a lot easier but there is a slight difference tween say rape seed oil and sunflower oil [not enough to make any difference unless you was making say over 25ltrs at a time] go on the web site for small batch figures as i measure all the time, or if your using svo just put in a small amount of white spirit[non kerosene type] at room temp and let this clear out the esters . . . .OK not pure bio but if not using over 25%mix is certainly good enough as shop stuff is well filtered anyhow ,it just knocks out the wax and soap [if there is any there ] i have never found any with tesco's stuff ,but i check it any how as this can block filters [it wont get past the lrs filters] but i warn yet again to anyone who decides to go down this path. . . . .start on low mix [say 10-15%] for bout a month , change your fuel filter then up it [as it rakes the ****e outer yer tank un fuel lines] ok you've bin warned earthlings :) :) :)
To make proper bio from wvo [waste ****e] or even svo [tesco's cheapest] you would have to use the white spirits[i don't use this ] caustic /methanol . . . .for wvo you would have to take a measure to get the right mix ,as every wvo will be different , but in the case of svo its a lot easier but there is a slight difference tween say rape seed oil and sunflower oil [not enough to make any difference unless you was making say over 25ltrs at a time] go on the web site for small batch figures as i measure all the time, or if your using svo just put in a small amount of white spirit[non kerosene type] at room temp and let this clear out the esters . . . .OK not pure bio but if not using over 25%mix is certainly good enough as shop stuff is well filtered anyhow ,it just knocks out the wax and soap [if there is any there ] i have never found any with tesco's stuff ,but i check it any how as this can block filters [it wont get past the lrs filters] but i warn yet again to anyone who decides to go down this path. . . . .start on low mix [say 10-15%] for bout a month , change your fuel filter then up it [as it rakes the ****e outer yer tank un fuel lines] ok you've bin warned earthlings :) :) :)

Interesting ming - so what you're saying with SVO is that you need not bother with the methanol/NaOh mixing business provided you're not going over 25% - this sounds a hell of a lot easier.
I've tried the WVO route and I agree its a pain in the ar$e to filter it, heat it, mix it etc - however have you noticed that SVO from the supermarkets has shot up in price from about 68p/ltr to 95pltr - No prizes for guessing why.
Interesting ming - so what you're saying with SVO is that you need not bother with the methanol/NaOh mixing business provided you're not going over 25% - this sounds a hell of a lot easier.
I've tried the WVO route and I agree its a pain in the ar$e to filter it, heat it, mix it etc - however have you noticed that SVO from the supermarkets has shot up in price from about 68p/ltr to 95pltr - No prizes for guessing why.
Well in a nut shell Norbit [YES] but only if your sure that the svo you are using hasn't any esters [soap ,water , filtered to at least 10 microns] if you can be 100% sure on that then fine. . . .my own findings are ,Tesco's cheapest is fine ,have not tested any others, this bio thing has suddenly taken a interest only because of the rising price of doozle in the UK [and yes svo has increased making the messy wvo a more viable thing] and remember my warning ,start slow. . . .:)

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