Oh p.s. sorted the few niggles out tonight, new axles don't come with washers welded onto the trailing arm brackets (they are designed to rip the bolts out in case of a road accident etc where the axle got caught etc) so I had to get some M16 washers today, one on each side but I also slipped one down the side of the trailing arm itself because the axle bracket was about 1/8" wider than my trailing arm bushes. Maybe my old axle had swelled and deformed the bushes?
Also replaced the brake pipes cos the nearside one burst through when we were bleeding it up on Sunday. Lucky it burst then and not on my next trip out tbh! Mmmm new copper pipes, very sexy. Especially when you don't **** up the bends
The new axle had an 11mm untapped hole for the breather. I don't know if it was waiting for a boss to be welded on or if it was going to be tapped to M12 or what, but it was way bigger than 1/8" BSP that the old axle had. My dilemma was that I had to sort something on Sunday beciasr I needed the axle back on on Sunday and I didn't want to tap it with the axle on because of the swarf. I estimated that I could tap 1/4" BSP into it (with an 11.80mm hole) and then fit a 1/4" BSP to 1/8" BSP adaptor nut.
I went round to my old man's to raid his ancient taps box and after a few minutes of sorrow HURRAH! 1/4" x 19 (TPI) BSP Second!
That old tap box saved me a while back with a First AND Second in 3/8" BSF which i needed in similar emergency for the QT diff guards!
So I was chuffed, tapped that out and carried on. Today I fitted the nut I bought yesterday and fitted my push fit fitting to it.
I also had to look at the damper bushes, the later axles have cupped lower damper bushes. I managed to squeeze my slightly larger early type bushes in to the cups, but thought today it was a bit tight. I flipped the washers that retain the bushes over so that the convex face met the bushes instead of the factory concave face. This allows a little bit more give and it now looks noticeably happier fitted up, whereas yesterday the bushes looked very squashed and displeased.
Finished up with a quick brake bleed (rear only) and its looking like it needs an outing soon