on radio 4 this morning,but govt spokesman reckoned frame work was about there just needed some tweaking ,we grown u with the mantra that only privatisation works ,but we did used to have nhs ,national power co ,british rail etc are all these things better for all or just a few greedy bastards
yeah but now there is too many people taking who have never conrtibuted and we are running out of space too.

it cant work anymore
that i agree with but the fight should be with those that are responsible for selling the country off then deal with the idle
Do the same as they do in Spain. No free healthcare or state benifits until you have worked there and paid tax for ten years. Anyone who does not like it here like islamic militants deport.
Do the same as they do in Spain. No free healthcare or state benifits until you have worked there and paid tax for ten years. Anyone who does not like it here like islamic militants deport.

Do the same as they do in Spain. No free healthcare or state benifits until you have worked there and paid tax for ten years. Anyone who does not like it here like islamic militants deport.

here here. N.I contributions should be treated as such
here here. N.I contributions should be treated as such
was told the other day don't no if this statement is true but people working here on visa's can when they leave the country claim back the n.i they have paid even thou there is a vast majority that come here to take advantage of the free health care!! please correct this statement if i am wrong.Also ther are supposedly a lot of wealth americans that come to uk for long vacation when pregnant to use nhs instead of paying back home.Took the conversation with pinch of salt due to the nature of the person that told me.
I heard the latter is true , dont get me wrong though I like the yanks on the most part and have some in my family :D and I have no trouble believing the first , sounds about right for this mess of a country
wat this guy was saying and ther wer a few other things he said but because of his (shoot them, burn them, wers my white pointy hat) attitude.Tend to take it with a pinch of salt but he made a lot of good points but in an extreme way.Seems to me ther is no middle ground either do gooders or kk clan nothing in the middle that people will take on and listen to :confused::confused:
was told the other day don't no if this statement is true but people working here on visa's can when they leave the country claim back the n.i they have paid even thou there is a vast majority that come here to take advantage of the free health care!! please correct this statement if i am wrong.Also ther are supposedly a lot of wealth americans that come to uk for long vacation when pregnant to use nhs instead of paying back home.Took the conversation with pinch of salt due to the nature of the person that told me.

So here goes, money in pounds ok; I move to the uk with my brit partner. I have my pension's and medical she has her pension from the nhs. our income is say about 35,000 we buy a house for about 150,000 no mortgage. buy 2 lr's and pay your vat on everthing. Where do we fix into your idea of taking advantage of the free health? And we don't take anyone's job. Just might create 1 or 2 jobs for someone?

How does that fit in with you all?:D:D:D:D
What a thread!! Plod, sigs, porn, speed limits, jaywalking, dole scroungers, NHS, politicians - sod all about Range Rovers but very entertaining nevertheless. Feels good to get it off yer chest dunnit? So at least the newbie Bubster has helped us all in a small way. Mind you landyzone does generally stay on topic better than a lot of forums so the occasional deviation is okay I suppose.

Is there a way to stop these gifs at the best bit?
So here goes, money in pounds ok; I move to the uk with my brit partner. I have my pension's and medical she has her pension from the nhs. our income is say about 35,000 we buy a house for about 150,000 no mortgage. buy 2 lr's and pay your vat on everthing. Where do we fix into your idea of taking advantage of the free health? And we don't take anyone's job. Just might create 1 or 2 jobs for someone?

How does that fit in with you all?:D:D:D:D

I think you are going to be in for a shock when it comes to health care in the UK. Unless you have an accident or come in as an asylum seeker you are likely to find that the NHS aint too interested in you. How do you fancy a 3 week wait for an appointment with a GP (thats your local doctor), 3 months to see a consultant if you have suspected bowel cancer, up to 3 years even to get on the list for a hip replacement? The last hospitals I saw the inside of in the UK were filty dirty and riddled with MRSA and C Difficile infections. Of course if you have £35K a year income and no mortgage you'll be able to afford to pay for private appointments which will allow you to jump the queue. As for medical insurance costs, my elderly neighbour in the UK was paying the best part of £3K a year for BUPA private medical insurance so they could have reasonable treatment.
You may also find that tax of one sort or another eats a larger portion of your income than you expect.
One thing that does want stopping straight away is the ability of a Pacistanley to wheel his/her grandma/grandad off a plane on Friday, fill in a DLA form on the airport, and get £500.00 a month tax free cash each and free car tax each. Plus tax free carers allowance for two members of the family. Another few hundred quid a month. That would to some extent prevent the disabled parking bays at various supermarkets across the country being blocked up by eighteen year old pacistanleys in Range Rover sports, Porches, Ferraris, Mercs, X5s Etc. Paid for by the DLA and carers allowance. All with disabled stickers and disabled tax discs. It really is a bloody scandal you could not make it up.
i think the nhs is being given a hard time here.

yes i am lucky to be based in some pretty good hospitals that really try their best, but yes there is faults. as for waiting lists, there is the 2 week waits for cancer and in decent hospitals the 18 week rule for time from referral to procedure is met (often with out needing to be)

as for hips, as i have a keen interest in orthopaedics i have obviously been exposed to this a lot, yes a few years ago the waiting lists were crazy, the main issue was that hips replacement had become a reliable and safer operation, so everyone wanted one (it is amazing the improvement they give) and this led to huge amounts of people wanting them and spiralling waiting lists.

the last couple of years, to astronomical costs the 18 week wait list has been met, which has also lead to a huge decline in the amount of private hip replacements (why pay when its the same time as the NHS?) it is only now this is being disbanded a bit, and yes this a shame, but two reasons 1) its the equivalent of me saying i could get to london from norwich in an hour, yes i could do it but it would cost me a grand in speeding tickets, fuel (and no doubt some repairs) 2) a large amount of patients present with hip pain to the consultant after years of having pain, if they were that fussed about waiting 2 more weeks surely they could have presented a few years earlier?

so yes it has its issues, but having spent time in a&e and seen how slick it works when some terrible traumas come in, and then the fact that a child can have neurosurgery that will give them their whole life back from a severe disorder under the costs, and then you hear of people in other countries not even calling an ambulance because of the costs, its bloody fantastic.
ps i am not a liberal no cuts person, i quite like private healthcare, but you cant help being amazed by what expertise the NHS has, people come from all over the world to learn from our specialists.

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