yu try saying that to the mother of a 13 yr old girl. we have had 3 die like that in the last 5 moths.

Difficult i know, but the fact remains that if people walk in front of moving vehicles it is going to hurt. A pedestrian can stop a lot quicker than a car can. Look before you cross wait for the vehicle to pass then cross. What happened to the curb drill that we used to have in the school playground as kids. Do they still do it i wonder. Sadly many pedestrians now think they have right of way and can walk out as and when they wish, and it is the drivers job to avoid them. Most times they are avoided, but sometimes it is just not possible. Road safety awareness for pedestrians needs to be a top priority, but it seems not to be.
Difficult i know, but the fact remains that if people walk in front of moving vehicles it is going to hurt. A pedestrian can stop a lot quicker than a car can. Look before you cross wait for the vehicle to pass then cross. What happened to the curb drill that we used to have in the school playground as kids. Do they still do it i wonder. Sadly many pedestrians now think they have right of way and can walk out as and when they wish, and it is the drivers job to avoid them. Most times they are avoided, but sometimes it is just not possible. Road safety awareness for pedestrians needs to be a top priority, but it seems not to be.


Example: only last week i was driving down the main street in traffic at a crawl when a young girl and 2 of her friends walked out in front of me. now she did what they ALWAYS DO, TRY NOT TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE DRIVER!! well being the kinda guy that likes to teach people a lesson if they **** me off i accellerated in N to make some noise and give her a fright, the 3 of them suddenly took notice and began to swear at me and look me up and down as if i was driving through there living room! it was a nice day and my window was open so decided to explain to them quite loudly that it was a raod and i had the right of way.

if you ask me this problem is getting worse. people seem to think they can walk where they want on the roads and if there hit by a car its fine they can sue the driver and get loads of money. look at every 2nd add on Dave? "Had an accident call us no win no fee etc..." its a load of crap.

Example: only last week i was driving down the main street in traffic at a crawl when a young girl and 2 of her friends walked out in front of me. now she did what they ALWAYS DO, TRY NOT TO MAKE EYE CONTACT WITH THE DRIVER!! well being the kinda guy that likes to teach people a lesson if they **** me off i accellerated in N to make some noise and give her a fright, the 3 of them suddenly took notice and began to swear at me and look me up and down as if i was driving through there living room! it was a nice day and my window was open so decided to explain to them quite loudly that it was a raod and i had the right of way.

if you ask me this problem is getting worse. people seem to think they can walk where they want on the roads and if there hit by a car its fine they can sue the driver and get loads of money. look at every 2nd add on Dave? "Had an accident call us no win no fee etc..." its a load of crap.

In northern ireland it is an offence to walk across a road and cause a vehicle to brake or change direction. J walking law. Pity it is not written into law in England.
It's getting worse. On breakfast TV this morning they were proposing that trucks be fitted with cameras and alarms to warn the driver that some fecking idiot cyclist is trying to sqeeze up the inside and is likely to get squashed. Whatever happend to cyclists having the sense to not put themselves into dangerous positions? Oh and I'm a cyclist and motorcyclist and in 60 years I have managed to avoid being squashed by a truck even when cycling into London.
God i would hate to think if someone walked in front of my Land Rover they would have no chance, hell i am even afraid when cars up ahead slow down that the land rover will respond fast enough:rolleyes:
no j walking here , can cross anywhere u like and some peeps make v poor choices

Yeah, if ya j walk in the states ya likely to get a patrol car pull up n cuff ya.
In the UK j walking is classed as standard procedure by the idiots...especially here in Manchester it seems....cheethamhill road n rochdale road both seem to be full of the gormless fookers standing in the middle of the road, sometimes only a couple of yards from crossings!!!:doh:.
Yeah, if ya j walk in the states ya likely to get a patrol car pull up n cuff ya.
In the UK j walking is classed as standard procedure by the idiots...especially here in Manchester it seems....cheethamhill road n rochdale road both seem to be full of the gormless fookers standing in the middle of the road, sometimes only a couple of yards from crossings!!!:doh:.

Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.
Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

Amen to that :)
dont get me started on the blame culture, not looking forward to my insurance bills to practice when i qualify.



Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

Really glad we don't have somethings over here they have in the states. The sight of a loaded semi trailer barreling through red traffic lights with it horns blaring because it could not stop is a sight to behold.
Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

Not me, but this is what came to mind when I read your post.

Historian arrested for jaywalking, after being assualted by Atlanta police.

Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

england is a fooked up place , the whole country is fooked . best off staying in u.s. mate. we would move there if we could!
Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

Yes. Couldn't wait to get out. Lots of mates feel the same.
england is a fooked up place , the whole country is fooked . best off staying in u.s. mate. we would move there if we could!

Our medical sucks big time.My wife who is brit can't get e thing here. thats why we are moving to brit land so she can get her proper medical care and take care of her folks:D:D:D
your better off there because your not paying for every other fookers medical, just your own medical insurance!

I am fed up with paying for all the dole scroungers here who have never and never intend to work. things that are ment as safety nets have been abused for too many generations now and its got out of hand. crippling cost to the country in so many respects and thats only part of the problem.

John it would eaiser for you to do what all the poles, africans, indians well everyone does and just use the one stop nhs as its called. come here for a holiday pop into a hospital get treated for free and go home. much easier than moving country for it.

it was on panorama a few years back, its probably on u tube or similar if you want the guide lol

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