It is and will be fooked 'till some government is happy to be labelled with killing the 'free' NHS. Unfortunately, none of them have the bollocks.

And yes, even a socialist nationalised union led country like France has a better system than we do... That's really hard to admit. :mad:
It is and will be fooked 'till some government is happy to be labelled with killing the 'free' NHS. Unfortunately, none of them have the bollocks.

And yes, even a socialist nationalised union led country like France has a better system than we do... That's really hard to admit. :mad:

Well that's no surprise is it after all it was the socialists who thought of the NHS and introduced in the first place. The bloody thieving Tories would let us all die and stick us in bin liners. But only after we have worked our bollocks off all our lives to make them rich. They would be really happy if every working man died the day after his 65th birthday. Thatcher started to dismantle the NHS and now Cameron is completing the job.
I've opted out permanently and yes it can be done.
But then I have my get out of jail free card
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you could never do just a sole nhs, the nhs could not cope with it, private healthcare is an aid to the nhs, as we have discussed, you still pay national insurance even if you pay NI, I had a minor op through our private cover, my brother has had three major surgeries, but its still the nhs i rely on for a&e visits (suspected crushed testicle and taking various team mates for all sorts of breaks)

as for the cutting jobs, the problem is the ones in charge of 'resource allocation' are the ones that need to go, and they are not selfless, they do not stay 3 hours longer than paid so they can see a patients family to break the bad news themselves, they do not cancel any friday night plans because its just that bit too busy to leave the next team taking over on their own, so they obviously are not going to cut there own jobs, its that cycle that needs to be broken.

this will make you laugh, hospital i am placed in, a consultant was pulled up for having a 40% mortality (death) rate and grilled about it being so high. the idiots had not looked to see what his specialty was, medicine of the elderly, with most of his patients being under palliative car (end of life care!) the surgeon i was with said something must be wrong is that many are surviving! just shows what people trying to do the best for patients, such as WSLR's wife, are up against.

Human nature being what it is, only a few people will do more than the minimum they need to do unless they have an incentive. Thus when hospitals an GP's are paid by the number of people on their panel, their perfect situation is when nobody gets sick, same amount of money and no work.
As for the management, cuts will always fall on those at the bottom who do the real work, the executioner has never been known to arrange his own execution. Each time there are cuts under the current system, the ratio of pen pushers to workers goes up:mad:
The French system effectively incentivises by paying per patient treated rather than people on the panel, a situation that French GP's would love to change to the UK system
Found out whos gif i like, its samatt. However i also found this
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