Fur Trapper
your better off there because your not paying for every other fookers medical, just your own medical insurance!
I am fed up with paying for all the dole scroungers here who have never and never intend to work. things that are ment as safety nets have been abused for too many generations now and its got out of hand. crippling cost to the country in so many respects and thats only part of the problem.
John it would eaiser for you to do what all the poles, africans, indians well everyone does and just use the one stop nhs as its called. come here for a holiday pop into a hospital get treated for free and go home. much easier than moving country for it.
it was on panorama a few years back, its probably on u tube or similar if you want the guide lol
OHHH we pay very dearly for the lazy asses that don't want to work and have lots of kids.