your better off there because your not paying for every other fookers medical, just your own medical insurance!

I am fed up with paying for all the dole scroungers here who have never and never intend to work. things that are ment as safety nets have been abused for too many generations now and its got out of hand. crippling cost to the country in so many respects and thats only part of the problem.

John it would eaiser for you to do what all the poles, africans, indians well everyone does and just use the one stop nhs as its called. come here for a holiday pop into a hospital get treated for free and go home. much easier than moving country for it.

it was on panorama a few years back, its probably on u tube or similar if you want the guide lol

OHHH we pay very dearly for the lazy asses that don't want to work and have lots of kids.
you really are naive,if you think private health care would be cheaper than the nhs however abused,drugs ,care treatment cost 3 times as much apparently in the us ,dole scroungers is a result of destroying large parts of industry bin the 80s without replacing the jobs and what you get in a society were fastest pig to trough gets everything ,alot just give up,i dont like it anymore than anybody else but the moneys going further up not down
you really are naive,if you think private health care would be cheaper than the nhs however abused,drugs ,care treatment cost 3 times as much apparently in the us ,dole scroungers is a result of destroying large parts of industry bin the 80s without replacing the jobs and what you get in a society were fastest pig to trough gets everything ,alot just give up,i dont like it anymore than anybody else but the moneys going further up not down

would be cheaper for me as I am paying fro private too as the nhs is bollix and overrun with too many peeps taking for free that which they have never contributed

also I am really refering to the jeremy kyle guest type who have no one working in there family for generations and never intend to either. that should not be an option for people
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OHHH we pay very dearly for the lazy asses that don't want to work and have lots of kids.

yeah but those trainler parks are much cheaper than the houses we build for em or rent for em privately at even greater cost :doh: plus you have the space but its really at a silly premium here

Any country will have some wellfare costs but its getting silly here. for example when the council tax bill comes with its little pie chart every year 92% of it is spent on adult social care. just wrong!
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until you get or have family that need more than knee op or something simple,if you get something make sure you dont get relapse ,they dont insure you again
yeah we have been very carefull with that for my wife.

Mind you the father in law is paying about £400 a month for his bupa :doh: crazy
Our medical sucks big time.My wife who is brit can't get e thing here. thats why we are moving to brit land so she can get her proper medical care and take care of her folks:D:D:D

You sure won't get good medical care in the Uk unless you hit lucky. Both my parents died of medical negligence. At one hospital I was told it was of no account as anyone past 65 was a liability, another reason I moved to France. My mate has a bust knee. He was told 18 months to two years for a replacement in the UK and he would never work again. Here in France the first date offered was 2 weeks after seing the consultant and the joint they use will allow him to continue to work as a builder.
The NHS will never work as it is currently constructed, unless it has changed, they are mostly paid for the number of people on their register regardless of how many or few are treated, no incentive to do anything.
Money spent on murals, BMW's for the vast number of "managers" who couldn't manage a **** up in the proverbial so they hire expensive "management consultants" to tell them what to do. Hospitals built and then never used for the purpose they were commissioned, it goes on and on. Good luck to you if you think you will get treated well.
You sure won't get good medical care in the Uk unless you hit lucky. Both my parents died of medical negligence. At one hospital I was told it was of no account as anyone past 65 was a liability, another reason I moved to France. My mate has a bust knee. He was told 18 months to two years for a replacement in the UK and he would never work again. Here in France the first date offered was 2 weeks after seing the consultant and the joint they use will allow him to continue to work as a builder.
The NHS will never work as it is currently constructed, unless it has changed, they are mostly paid for the number of people on their register regardless of how many or few are treated, no incentive to do anything.
Money spent on murals, BMW's for the vast number of "managers" who couldn't manage a **** up in the proverbial so they hire expensive "management consultants" to tell them what to do. Hospitals built and then never used for the purpose they were commissioned, it goes on and on. Good luck to you if you think you will get treated well.

Got my pension's and health from the navy' good in the uk:D:D:D:D At all the military base's I'll be retired so keep working mate
That was about £400 till gordo brown collapsed our economy and country :doh:

Oh get over yourself, G.Brown, his cronies or his political party had little effect in what happened to the UK's economy .. it was almost a worldwide economic collapse, ultimately brought on by over zealous banker's & lack of control of said banker's by their superior's/govt's. A lesson learnt by possibly every western govt.!
a procees that began under thatcher and regan in freeing up the banks/markets,it said on the radio today that british rail would cost equivalent today 1 billion a year but we put 5 billion a year now to a privatised rail system
the captain has ultimate responsiblity for his ship and his crew

plus he was a total ****er!
a procees that began under thatcher and regan in freeing up the banks/markets,it said on the radio today that british rail would cost equivalent today 1 billion a year but we put 5 billion a year now to a privatised rail system

And if that quote is true, it show's how over the past few year's it's a successive fck up by our Govt.s in not controlling the fat cats', whether they be Con's or Labour:doh:
nah thats just ceramonial , priminister.

mind you wouldnt surprise me if he was a queen too :p
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Not true. Has this happened to you? Have never seen this happen. Cops are after drug dealers and whores walking across the streets. you have been watching to much tv. If i went by what i see on tv about England in the news it is one ****ed up place. What you see is in London the protesters, bombing,the traffic and such. Does this present what the rest of England is like?
You can not judge unless you have all the facts. One city does not mean the whole country is like that.Can't judge the US by New York city.

Dont patronise me mate.
I based my view on j walkin on what I have experienced. , Maybe not in your state, but Northridge CA, St Pauls MN and Miami in recent years.
Not so sure about the rest of your post?..maybe lost in transalation:doh:
And if that quote is true, it show's how over the past few year's it's a successive fck up by our Govt.s in not controlling the fat cats', whether they be Con's or Labour:doh:

i agree , but get over yerself :p
yup, chrchill was the only one who wasnt I reckon , he was in to do a job- kick hitlers ass.

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