tiz either tha - or our fame precedes us, Pikey? :eek::)

Your fame my Infamy?? either way we got stiched oop good style.

However a little birdie tells me that 110W was told not to let me have any cake, cos it weren't good for me sugar levels :eek: :fighting2:
I did and it was a genuine pleasure :D

Go back and sit quietly in the corner Pops..there's good chaps :p

Now listen ere yu yung whippersnapper. We have aged gracefully well daft has I has aged disgracefully but that's besides the point.

What was the point anyway. Oooh tea thanks nursey.. :)
Cheers Redhand, some great photos, I've copied a few of me in the mud as due to being on me Todd I never get chance to get any of meself.

yu is welcome :D Not surprised you was on ya todd. It'd be a brave fool that sat in your ballast cradle. I was trying to get a sweepstake going on who ya was gonna run over first. :rolleyes: but these tite fookers weren't having it.. :(
i was hoping to meet you ,but we arrived late ,didnt meet to many people ,but enjoyed the company of those i did ,did catch a pikey checking a few tools in the back of my disco:)

Ooooh was that yu?? :eek: :eek: Did ya notice that Minty had superglued me hands into me pockets before she set me loose?? :eek:

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