Some cracking shots there Guy - I've pinched the ones of me, hope you don't mind!

Still trying to figure out how you got mud all over your roof...!!

No worries, not sure if they're full size in photobugrit. Let me know if you want bigger ones.
great photos there all. :)

Ive taken a few for me aswell.

Thanks again.
Just got back and no breakdowns. Extended weekend. Thanks to all those who organised this trip both myself and wife had a cracking day. Was good to meet and put face's to all the members. Big thanks to BB for leading our group.
Will put some photo's up later.
Couldn't help but notice you seemed far keener than he to get diving into the dirty stuff, lol! :)

As for me, being my first ever experience of off-roading, I learned a huge amount about just how capable even a P38 is, and I've definitely been bitten by the bug!! I've even been looking at ads for Discos and 'Fenders... Not that I have the cash to buy one right now!!!
i think i was keener lol live life for today at the end of the day its just a car. even though i love it :D:D
propper gutted :( the BMW sold about 5 min ago, the bloke has just picked it up. if he had come friday then i could have come to salisbury, and not have had to pull out :mad::mad:
Here ya go folks......all the piccies me lad took (minus the two of his thumb :D)

Feel free to steal any that tae yer fancy....

31st March pictures by bgwhetham - Photobucket

Some great pics there BB.

I can't believe my landy went in dafts hole looking like this


and came out looking like this.

Photo's of BB's group.


A little scratch or two.

Washed all the motors before we went to the plain's :confused2:





Que for the mud bath.






Chocolate Land Rover


And on my way to the forest we gave it a good wash in this little ford which was pretty disgusting after we had finished.


I do have a few more half decent shot's if any of our group want's them. PM me your e-mail if you do.

And thanks again to those who organised
did'nt have any trouble on the way home apart from skyway blowing a bottom rad hose and us having to tow him about 35/40 miles back down the A303 :(:D

Shame that didn't happen when we were all at sub alley... I fixed my blown hose with greenline tape and it held all the way home, despite the overheating... And it's still holding!!
Having sorted thru me foties. I think I can cast a new light on why Ratty went from this


To this


He was trying to drown Little Blue.. :eek: The Barsteward!!! :mad:
id like to thank everyone that made it possible ,especially series71 ,it was a great day ,boys wanted to go again the next day .im definatley up for another trip even though we set off a 2.30 am,

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