Got one criticism of Salisbury Plains today.............

There were a distinct lack of trees with leaves or thick foliage for a lot of the time which made finding somewhere to have a piddle an interesting task and involved a long walk each time - am going to request summer laning next time with thicker leaf availability :D

Someone's bound to have piccies of that:eek::D
Got one criticism of Salisbury Plains today.............
There were a distinct lack of trees with leaves or thick foliage for a lot of the time which made finding somewhere to have a piddle an interesting task and involved a long walk each time - am going to request summer laning next time with thicker leaf availability :D
i might have an old potty if you want it ?:D:D:D
Got one criticism of Salisbury Plains today.............

There were a distinct lack of trees with leaves or thick foliage for a lot of the time which made finding somewhere to have a piddle an interesting task and involved a long walk each time - am going to request summer laning next time with thicker leaf availability :D

You do know there was an actual toilet by the water hole where we were fixing Mseries's landy? I'm not joking.:D
You do know there was an actual toilet by the water hole where we were fixing Mseries's landy? I'm not joking.:D

If you mean the hell hole of a shed thing that stank to high heaven , yes I did notice it but preferred to take my chances behind a bush instead ,it smelt that bad :eek:
If you mean the hell hole of a shed thing that stank to high heaven , yes I did notice it but preferred to take my chances behind a bush instead ,it smelt that bad :eek:

It didn't smell any worse than some of the water we drove through.:eek::p
Have a couple of videos on my phone but haven't a clue how to upload them so will have to wait til the kids get home tomorrow to get them on here :eek:

Is anyone clever enough to put all the pics/videos in one place ?
Got one criticism of Salisbury Plains today.
There were a distinct lack of trees with leaves or thick foliage :D

If this was the Anything Goes section one might be tempted to comment about 110 woman wanting a thicker bush.:eek: But as it isn't, I won't. Ooops!
Have a couple of videos on my phone but haven't a clue how to upload them so will have to wait til the kids get home tomorrow to get them on here :eek:

got a great video of my steering wheel followed by the footwell with accompanied swearing :rolleyes:

Is anyone clever enough to put all the pics/videos in one place ?

Not me but I hope so
pikey, can I use your pics to put a video together?

if anyone has pics/video, can you send it to me so I can put it all together in a video?

send it to

Someone's bound to have piccies of that:eek::D

Its not quite the same - but its as close as I (wanted to) get........ :eek:



  • IMG_1484.JPG
    146.6 KB · Views: 231
[JP];1707214 said:
pikey, can I use your pics to put a video together?

if anyone has pics/video, can you send it to me so I can put it all together in a video?

send it to


Yep ya welcome to em :D

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