I had a piece of your lemon drizzle cake 110Woman. I'm not usually a cake person but your cakes are fast converting me!

Thanks again.
wasnt meant in a bad way at all ,doesnt everybody produce an image of what you think people look like ,i just imagined you taller

Didn't S71's multiple references to 'the LZ mini-MILF' give it away? ;)

BTW 110... I 'acquired' a piece of that lemon drizzle cake.... I HATE cake, and it was heavenly!!! :)
brill. no desperate hurry, but sooner i get it, sooner i can replace it :). the old one seems to have gone soft n spongy :(.
right have sacrificed me upload limits on me PAYG dongle and uploaded the rest of me pics. A few below to wet ya appetites



Little Un Large :D


Rest of em Salisbury Plains 31stMarch pictures by redhand010 - Photobucket
That was blue beasty. He hopped in his landy and came down for a visit and then nicked my pooter when I wasn't looking.:eek::(

You best let me have all blue beasties cake as well as my own from now on.:eek:;):D

Bastid :mad::mad::mad: and there's me being all nice and not asking why you painted the top of yer head white fer the trip :p
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