We can always make it some other time if you wish?
Takes one pressure off you.

Just let me know your decision

Would you mind?

The pricks at work sprung a late one on us at the last minute and had dug the feckin road up and I couldn't have got the van out had I wanted to, this new crowd are a lost cause, can't see me going back after Christmas to be honest, yes the money is better, yes the machine is brand new but the blokes are druggies and drunks and the foreman couldn't run a bath let alone a multi million pound job with large earthworks and infrastructure, claims to have been a contract manager at his last job, doubt he managed to sign his own employment contract let alone anything else!

We could always do something over the Christmas break? I got 2 weeks off work so plenty of time to arrange a day and maybe even get the wagons out on a lane or 3?
No probs DD.
As and when.

Fook my life sometimes, mother in law is in hospital, Mrs DD is 200 mile away and I'm turning into a 50yo feminist cat lady being dictated to by two cats who are treating me like a scratching post lol

100% you will suffer my dulcet tones before 2020!!!
Sorry about MinLaw.
Lol.... we do miss your stories :D
We can always meet up for a burger and a snifter at the Churchillian.
Sorry about MinLaw.
Lol.... we do miss your stories :D
We can always meet up for a burger and a snifter at the Churchillian.

Oh I do likes that idea!!!

Gut buster with cheesy chips an a tea please :)

Looks like my stick welder is coming out tomorrow as the wind here is insane :eek:
Fook my life sometimes, mother in law is in hospital, Mrs DD is 200 mile away and I'm turning into a 50yo feminist cat lady being dictated to by two cats who are treating me like a scratching post lol

100% you will suffer my dulcet tones before 2020!!!

I like cats...

especially the ones lying at the side of the road...

I'll get my coat... Jeeves start the car...

Jeeves did you plenish the bird table and check the aviary for security don't want to help the moggies kill any more birds than the 20 million they are statistically presumed to kill every year...

I keep birds
I'm on change of clothes number 3 now, just dashed in through a hail storm shower after getting drenched by a rain shower.

Persevere, under it at the minute so not terrible but it seems to dump buckets when I crawl out from beneath it for some reason :rolleyes:

Make a brew and back outside.

Reflectors are done, the side repeaters are done and just that bit of welding to finish up and see if there is something glaringly obvious about the brake light switch?????
If you still have probs you can put an inline sensor for the brake lights. Just need to cut & flare the pipes & fit. Not had 1 fail on motors Ive fitted them to
Doing well..
If you still have probs you can put an inline sensor for the brake lights. Just need to cut & flare the pipes & fit. Not had 1 fail on motors Ive fitted them to
Doing well..

Now that is a good idea, see how I get on, thank god for the leather welding jacket, I smell like a BBQ as the stick welder is firing spatter and slag in all directions and mostly at me lol

Good job I got plans for holidays this summer, I'm not happy about the patch repairs on this end cap for the tubular cross member but I just don't want to be undoing everything I have done, bad enough that I just cut a chunk outta the angle of the floor pan to get in there and repair it, still got that to weld back in as yet.

Keep plugging away, tea and dreams are all that are keeping me going now.......
Did a bit between the showers of rain and hail, it was garbage weather and my mood has not improved.

Some imagery of where we are now and how we got there.

One of the two new rear reflectors. Went with big triangle ones, no complaints then is there lol, besides, these were £5.95 and the little rectangular ones that might have looked better were £6.50, these are way more bang for your buck lol :)


I hadn't honestly noticed this little problem, the big angle plate I knew about, but not this little fella.


The small triangle plate had rusted though also and needed plated over too.

No real choice, cut the floor out :eek:






Primed it and seam sealed it with some fancy clear faixall jobber that was on offer for silly money, it will be set by tomorrow ready for top coat and then I will put the floor back properly, prolly gonna cut some 40mm wide strips of 1.5mm long enough to cover the cuts, drill a few holes and then spot weld it all back together.......

Brake light switch has been ordered off eBay to my shame, not out of choice but out of necessity as there just isn't a motor factors close enough to work to go get one and I have no choice but to order online if I want to actually go pick up the Mrs and pup at the weekend in it.

While I got some spare time I will probably fit the extra reversing lamps that I like and tick that off my list, could get a bit creative and do some of the on board air stuff and mount the compressor and tank too but I think there is enough to do as I am with a bit more painting and seam sealing of areas I thought were long done but actually aren't lol
I thought yu were going to make the floor removable ( without cutting)?
The boot floor panel is only rivetted in but the problem was that angle plate that goes from the boot floor down to the lower level footwell.

Won't take long doing it with spot welds an a backing strap, just primer, seam seal an paint, happy days :)
Oh ffs hahaha I have to laugh as if we don’t we will go..... umm yeah, we are there already. Hope mil is ok. Do you want to borrow my dobe to address your cat issue? He will corner one it won’t back off and he will stand there talking where he realizes he doesn’t know what to do haha. I’m not getting notifications off your thread even though I subscribe. Odd
Oh ffs hahaha I have to laugh as if we don’t we will go..... umm yeah, we are there already. Hope mil is ok. Do you want to borrow my dobe to address your cat issue? He will corner one it won’t back off and he will stand there talking where he realizes he doesn’t know what to do haha. I’m not getting notifications off your thread even though I subscribe. Odd

Mate, I am on the cusp of completion, just motivation to go outside and get drenched cutting steel so I can get in it and weld it up seem to be holding me back.

Oh and the brake light switch has only just been delivered (so the text from DPD says lol), no such thing as an early day on the last shift of 2019, these pillocks are still playing tarmac laying FFS, I'm sitting on the gate banking trucks as nothing for my big machine and there aren't enough blokes after breakfast as some jus turned up and went home at 10, not what I was told when I started on here a month ago, it was supposed to be a case of turn up, gather up plant, lock everything up and go for breakfast in the cafe then home, so doubt I will get it ready for re-MOT before Monday as I am tramping round the country all weekend picking up the Mrs and pup, thank goodness MIL is out of hospital and has enough pills to take that she ought rattle as though she were a tube of Smarties when she walks lol.

This about sums me up lol

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