yes - you fabbed some up?

These ones


Just need to trim back the corroded ally and put these on with a bead of tiger seal.
I plan on nailing this tomorrow afternoon but I thought I would ask if you and your good wife fancied a fish and chip supper? Been ages since I've seen you both and it would be nice to do something sociable like eat and talk lol :)
Sounds like a plan. Pm me time and place :)
Oh, and I need a name for a plumbing part that you’ll know if you could please. Where the drain hole is for the the scuttle panel (the one that spills all over the inner wing :rolleyes:) I want a plug and hose. The plug would be in two pieces so that it can sandwich the wing between it. I then want to route a hose from it. What’s one of those called!?
Oh, and I need a name for a plumbing part that you’ll know if you could please. Where the drain hole is for the the scuttle panel (the one that spills all over the inner wing :rolleyes:) I want a plug and hose. The plug would be in two pieces so that it can sandwich the wing between it. I then want to route a hose from it. What’s one of those called!?
I believe it is a 20mm dia hole and if so, something like this?
I knew one of you two would know haha! Thanks that’s exactly what I’m after!! I didn’t want metal for obvious reasons lol
You might have a problem as, for obvious reasons, the hole is right at the bottom of the scuttle, so you will not be able to get the hole in the fitting low enough and fit the clamp nut. I think a different approach is required.
doesn't look too bad DD.

Just thrash the tits out of it on the way back to the Mot station ;)
You might have a problem as, for obvious reasons, the hole is right at the bottom of the scuttle, so you will not be able to get the hole in the fitting low enough and fit the clamp nut. I think a different approach is required.
Your right! I could just fit a 90 on the outer side
Oh, and I need a name for a plumbing part that you’ll know if you could please. Where the drain hole is for the the scuttle panel (the one that spills all over the inner wing :rolleyes:) I want a plug and hose. The plug would be in two pieces so that it can sandwich the wing between it. I then want to route a hose from it. What’s one of those called!?

They're called tank connectors and come in plastic, brass and stainless thread or glue together in various sizes...
doesn't look too bad DD.

Just thrash the tits out of it on the way back to the Mot station ;)

On my way home, obviously, I drove to the furthest tank station on the island, put £20 in and a double bottle of redex injector cleaner, then drove home in 3rd gear all the way :D:D:D

Still gonna pop a new fuel filter on and do an oil change, I got filter and loads of 10/40 oil so I might as well.

I've figured out two of the fails, the welding will be done tomorrow and that will go fast as it's just getting a quick patch for now.

Intermittent brake lights is odd as I tilted the rear view mirror and they came on and stayed lit every time I braked so could just be in need of a douse of contact cleaner and rub with emery to make the connection better.
Not sure on the location or the metal your planning to make a vent in to attach a hose too.. but if you can weld or solder a small tube would work copper springs to mind.. .
Didn't go according to plan, not happy, gonna be a busy day tomorrow as I need this sorted and got chores to do for mum too, not to mention I am entertaining tomorrow evening too so this is going to be a mega push lol

All good fun, reflectors found and purchased along with new lamps for the side repeaters.

The intermittent stop lamps is worrying me as I have tried them several times and they work fine.

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