Oh, the new year beckons and I hope you got lots of gas!!!
Stocking up on stuffing and Brussels sprouts. :D.
In fairness, it’s always easier working on someone else’s motor. It’s a bit like having a grandchild..... you can have fun, then when the enthusiasm starts to fade, you can hand them back ;).
Stocking up on stuffing and Brussels sprouts. :D.
In fairness, it’s always easier working on someone else’s motor. It’s a bit like having a grandchild..... you can have fun, then when the enthusiasm starts to fade, you can hand them back ;).
Bwahahaha :D

Mine is virtually done bar a little bot more welding and then I have a plan, just needs to sort out which day with her indoors once she is back from MILs.
It's done, not pretty, but good enough for the kinds of girls I go out with :D


Thought I had found a good one to cut a repair section out of and let down by the guy, short notice and blah, blah, blah, doesn't matter, just crack on and get her done.


Grind back the weld tracks.


Blazed it in with the hot snot gun.


Ground it back and made it look a bit prettier, slapped some primer on in between sleet and rain showers and even managed to get it blacked too.


Boot floor was painted black too and there is still something I need to do to get the rear seat belts fitted which is to extend the eye bolts but that can wait for now.

MOT booked for Friday the 13th, hope we get a pass lol

going to see if I can get some other bits done that need done in readiness for seat fitting but I think it's as good as it get this side of Christmas lol
That looks good enough mate!!

Better than the tissue paper that it was before lol

I will try an get a good second hand one ready for the summer and do it properly.

Still need to get a look at a 300Tdi minus it's windscreen to see how I need to modify mine to get shot of that BS rubber seal that doesn't seal anything anymore.

You been on your D1 or the Defender today?
Better than the tissue paper that it was before lol

I will try an get a good second hand one ready for the summer and do it properly.

Still need to get a look at a 300Tdi minus it's windscreen to see how I need to modify mine to get shot of that BS rubber seal that doesn't seal anything anymore.

You been on your D1 or the Defender today?

nope weather was brutal all weekend and I’ve been doing tip runs etc. going to buy my primer soon and start on the panels. Also buying my front end bits for it for Xmas. I need to get another score of cutting discs as I can’t crack on with a bit here n there until I have some back in stock. The project is exciting me now it feels so much further on. I’d like to move next year (I’ll explain all). I want to get it pretty much done before complete. The rear is boring whereas the front end isn’t if that makes sense lol.
Well that didn't quite go according to plan :rolleyes:

Guess I will be busy again this weekend and might have to get some more welding gas.

suspension mounting component??

I forgot all about that poxy angle plate on the chassis for the tubular cross member, knew about it but forgot about it and it became an out of sight and out of mind problem, holed inside and outside :oops:

Poxy side repeaters was the "eh, WTF?" moments, completely forgot about them and one was a blown bulb and the other I hadn't even put the passenger side lamp back in the repeater FFS :rolleyes:

Emissions I think is where it hasn't done anything more than high idle for a half hour or so once a month for the last 14th months, I put £20 of fresh diesel in and two bottles of redex diesel injector cleaner in and will put a pint of petrol in just before I take it back, the brake lights worked every time I pressed the brakes so not sure what he was saying there?

Did you see the scribbled out ones?
I forgot all about that poxy angle plate on the chassis for the tubular cross member, knew about it but forgot about it and it became an out of sight and out of mind problem, holed inside and outside :oops:

Poxy side repeaters was the "eh, WTF?" moments, completely forgot about them and one was a blown bulb and the other I hadn't even put the passenger side lamp back in the repeater FFS :rolleyes:

Emissions I think is where it hasn't done anything more than high idle for a half hour or so once a month for the last 14th months, I put £20 of fresh diesel in and two bottles of redex diesel injector cleaner in and will put a pint of petrol in just before I take it back, the brake lights worked every time I pressed the brakes so not sure what he was saying there?

Did you see the scribbled out ones?

yes - you fabbed some up?
yes - you fabbed some up?

I had the bottoms of the rear quarter panels on my to do list but again, out of sight and out of mind but the guy had no idea that the body panel was separate to the inner shell and thought that it was rotted away from the sill lol after I explained to him and showed him where he went wrong he scribbled them out and said they didn't need done any longer.

But I really must chop and put the rubber fins on and make it tidy at least lol

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