Removing the lh wing has proved...problematic. The snorkel is right in the way of the bulkhead bolts, and to remove that means the heater box is coming out.
So that little project was parked until I could create a 3D record of the as-is of the engine bay. Its an aide memoire for when stuff has to go back together. 169 stereo images and some processing later the model was ready:
And a link if anyone fancies a look around the engine bay is here:
Link to 3D model
The grandson arrived this weekend so wing removal was put on hold for other tasks. Like getting to know a Land Rover:
And getting the mud out from under the footwell:
Handy to have a small person for such tasks.
The eldest nipper then set about stripping the wooden liner and cubby holes fitted to the rear by the previous owner.
Which exposed a snakes wedding of wiring:
In spite of that mess, it all works...
Then we turned to getting the bullet resistant locker out. In the end the not-asking tool was applied:
As it refused to just cooperate.
Its a solid 3mm steel construction. And it consumed 4 slitting wheels. Hardcore resistance now destined for the scrap bin.
Which leaves a large hole in the tub:
I am wondering what to do here. Invest time in patching...or cut the losses and find a replacement?
Going to kick this one down the road for a bit and see what the rest of the tub is like.
Any and all thoughts on this are most welcome. So would be hearing from anyone with a decent 110 tub looking for a new life in West Dorset...