I found time to go out and tinker.

Had a few inches left to stitch in on the sill that I had forgotten about so welded that up, primed it and blacked it all up.



Started cutting out the rear body mount on the rear crossmember, ball ache that is as the rot was quite bad but at least it's cut out and ready to be repaired.



I know that the rear body crossmember is a bit more rusty inside than is ideal but I just can't justify more money on it now and it just needs to be done, besides it's getting more attention in that area next year or the year after, whenever I have a workshop to work in, although I'm taking a week off work to do it when it needs done.

Painted the body mount with a bit of primer so it's ready to be fitted up and painted in black once it's on.


Also got the passenger seat back in too, ran a tap through the captive nuts and replaced the old crusty nuts an bolts with new M8x40mm bolts with new plate washers and nyloc nuts.


Getting there.......
**** sake. It’s really starting to hit me how much is going into these d1s!!!
They’re gunna put us all in the same funny farm one day. We can sit around in arm chairs pointing as each other’s weld tattoos and grinder scars. I still think we should’ve offered to blog for bilt hamber lol.
I’m kind of happy about the above. Your flukey as hell if you buy a d1 in uk and it doesn’t need this type of resto in the near future. If your not flukey, you built it and have the tools, pictures and knowledge to prove it. I’m seeing a couple more threads starting and awaiting the can of tin worms to be revealed.
Glad to see your getting there. Come give me a hand once your done :D
How bigs your remaining shopping list? im hoping to do a bit of shopping soon, maybe even get the majority of mounts And bits required to finish. Can’t wait to get onto the mech stuff!!
**** sake. It’s really starting to hit me how much is going into these d1s!!!
They’re gunna put us all in the same funny farm one day. We can sit around in arm chairs pointing as each other’s weld tattoos and grinder scars. I still think we should’ve offered to blog for bilt hamber lol.
I’m kind of happy about the above. Your flukey as hell if you buy a d1 in uk and it doesn’t need this type of resto in the near future. If your not flukey, you built it and have the tools, pictures and knowledge to prove it. I’m seeing a couple more threads starting and awaiting the can of tin worms to be revealed.
Glad to see your getting there. Come give me a hand once your done :D
How bigs your remaining shopping list? im hoping to do a bit of shopping soon, maybe even get the majority of mounts And bits required to finish. Can’t wait to get onto the mech stuff!!
Join the feckin’ queue
**** sake. It’s really starting to hit me how much is going into these d1s!!!
They’re gunna put us all in the same funny farm one day. We can sit around in arm chairs pointing as each other’s weld tattoos and grinder scars. I still think we should’ve offered to blog for bilt hamber lol.
I’m kind of happy about the above. Your flukey as hell if you buy a d1 in uk and it doesn’t need this type of resto in the near future. If your not flukey, you built it and have the tools, pictures and knowledge to prove it. I’m seeing a couple more threads starting and awaiting the can of tin worms to be revealed.
Glad to see your getting there. Come give me a hand once your done :D
How bigs your remaining shopping list? im hoping to do a bit of shopping soon, maybe even get the majority of mounts And bits required to finish. Can’t wait to get onto the mech stuff!!
Funny farm :)

I'm spent out, just need time, enthusiasm and weather lol :D
Join the feckin’ queue
I’m already there !!!!! Lol

Yes, has matron been with your meds yet :eek:

Not half!

Lot of shed that for not a lot of money at all!
It went well, actually it went feckin amazing lol

Minor hiccup, the batteries went flat in me welding mask, quick trip to Hayling Hardware and job was a good un, got some spares for the next time but I am hoping not to need them lol


Had the plates to cut and weld into that massive hole where the body mount once was, got them cut and welded in and then the body mount got a blast with the hot snot gun.

Me upside down welding has really come along it seems.


Got that lot all done and I was a happy bunny :)

Hunted out the rivet gun and fitted the tail light and popped riveted the light guard back in place, proper looking the part now :D


Loads of painting to do now and I think I will do my old trick of getting the paint stripping heat gun out and warm the metal first so that it dries off any moisture and helps the paint stick to the primer, it's getting there faster and faster now, still need to get that boot floor fitted but that should go fairly fast now :)

But as always I seem to have found me a new something to do, the passenger side door handle seems to have cracked, not sure why, but the cast lever has cracked and I think I would like to get it replaced before it snaps off completely.


Oh and the seat diaphragm has gone in the passenger side front seat but that isn't going to be an issue for the MOT :rolleyes:
Nice work. I do same, heat gun with the paint. Works a treat and gets moisture out of any joins

It was a flat roofer that showed me that trick years ago, I sometimes use it to dry paint quickly too.

I need to get some painting done every night this week if I am to stay on target.

Started taking a better look at the on board air install and can't decide where the hell to fit the air receiver? Was looking at the boot area and using the old dicky seat bolt holes to knock up some brackets, I was mulling over the Webasto as well, think there has to be a good place to fit it but damned if I can find it? My second battery takes up the good spot in the engine bay and it's actually quite a lump and routing the hoses is the deciding factor I think, deffo needs to be done to avoid airlocking.
Don’t see why you can’t go dickie seat location? Another thing to be aware of is having it on view but sure you thought of that.
I got an arch completed yest :Do_O

I had thought about that but it is going to be boxed in with some sheet metal work to keep it secure but also to protect it in the load bed as there is going to be vulnerable water traps and pipe work in there, plus I don't want it to look too unsightly with the compressor and tank all fitted up.

I have done some sketches of what it should look like and it will just about fit in the space provided but it will be quite tight for the rear lamps.

I think I need to get some bulkhead fittings for the bayonet couplings for the front and rear air lines, should make airing down the tyres more bearable as I can easily pump them back up.
Time flies when you are trying to avoid getting pizzed wet through and chillblanes from the gale force winds :oops: :rolleyes:

But I am still plugging away, bit by bit, progress has been slow with the absolutely atrocious weather and I just couldn't muster the enthusiasm after work to play in the rain.

Welded in an extra strengthening bar where the boot floor ends, the rear body cross member is getting a make over as there is more rot in it than I am happy with, should have bitten the bullet earlier in the year and just bought a new one but this is way over budget and so far over time it's not true.


Got all the floor supports fully welded in, primed and painted too.



Riveted the seat belt mounting brackets to the bottom of the boot floor and got them painted up too.


Had one small repair to make before the I could fit the floor.


I stuffed up the measurements for the side panels and had to trim the floor panel to fit, 8mm trimmed off one side to fit :oops:


In it goes and a load of drilling and rivetting later......


All in all it's been uber productive and getting very close to being done.

While I had the floor out I tried to swap over the old rubber rear brake flexy but it stripped the threads in the brass T piece at the axle end so I have fitted the new Terrafirma braided flexy on to the floor support for now and will address the rest of the brake system as soon as I have finished the rebuild of the rear body cross member.

All in all I think I will replace the solid pipes on the rear axle when I replace the T piece and then make the new repair section to go under the wheel well.

I still need to repair the passenger side windscreen post somehow without ruining the rubber window seal so that might have to come out, who knows.....
It just shows... if you look for problems, you are bound to find them ;).

Not kidding, I try not to poke anything anymore, just in case another rust hole springs up lol :)

Getting there though, might manage it before Dottie turns one :oops:

Been out there for 10 minutes tonight, it's freezing and I thought better of it lol :rolleyes:

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