Deliberating over nipping out for the top coat and painting the freshly primed boot floor in the front room? It'll stink indoors if I do or likely it's going to piddle with rain when I want to paint it and fit it.

Blimey, hard work all this innit lol
yu ned a shed

I need another week without the Mrs and baby so I can crack a full weekend on this thing and at least be somewhere near the end.........

I'm staying inside, it's belting down out there :(

Could flip the floor and key the inside and paint that I suppose?

Just found something else to fix.
Been out there playing mechanic lol

It's getting there.....

Rear quarter going back on and I had to trip the panel around the hinges, hope this isn't a bad sign of things to come....


Trimmed the top too round that roof repair.


The rear panel is on, all the joints were made like the other side with the caravan mastic and all the panel seams were sealed with black sealant, put the passenger window in too :)


I painted the underside of the boot floor a few days back and it's all silver lol


Progress is progress :)
Will be once that boot floor is welded in lol

Then some other odd jobs to do on it.....

Did yo splash the cash on a power file/finger sander? I really want one but struggling to justify more money :(

Nope. Same story my end. If I can do something with what I’ve got and it’s just less convenient then I can’t justify it!
Glad I could help ‘)
I was happy to be outside, was and still am in the doghouse, big time :( Herself is not happy, the Discovery is still not done, new house to rent just fell through and I think I am on the verge of a breakdown :oops:


Anyone know the exact difference between the screen frames of a 200 with the sealed screen and the 300 with it's bonded screen?

I really don't think I want ducks paddling in the footwells when finally back on the road.:rolleyes:
Anyone know the exact difference between the screen frames of a 200 with the sealed screen and the 300 with it's bonded screen?

I asked a few years ago, Mr Noisy posted in his build about having a 300 heated screen in his 200, I messaged him & this was his reply

[QUOTE} 300 screen is taller and narrower than a 300

i had to grind the top and bottom of the body and then use loads of sealant on the sides, to fit the 300 screen with the 200 gasket

has been great so far though! [/QUOTE]

so naturally I've done nothing:oops:

maybe I'll get brave one dayo_O

Always here if yu need a chat.

Cheers mate, will take you up on that I recon :)
I asked a few years ago, Mr Noisy posted in his build about having a 300 heated screen in his 200, I messaged him & this was his reply

[QUOTE} 300 screen is taller and narrower than a 300

i had to grind the top and bottom of the body and then use loads of sealant on the sides, to fit the 300 screen with the 200 gasket

has been great so far though!

I want the 300 screen so it can be bonded in with that black mastic stuff, don't care if I have to add strips of steel to the existing frame just so long as I can stop the water pooling in the footwells.

so naturally I've done nothing:oops:

maybe I'll get brave one dayo_O


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