Did a bit of welderising myself today..... Tried out my rebuilt Mig welder on my trilobe nut spinner tool.

I was a bit concerned whether a 4M long welding torch would be too much, but I am quite pleased with the way the weld has cleaned up. Its pretty thick steel too, so just about max settings.

For those not familiar with this tool, it is a 36mm AF headed bolt, welded into a 52mm mm socket attached to a 12mm disc. Pretty heavy stuff. This I can manage :). Rusty 20AWG car body panels.... a different matter. :(.
car panels are not so easy. :eek:.
Been a busy shift out there making it better, one weld at a time :)

Ground off all the little pucks left behind from the old panel removal, silly me didn't realize that there was indeed a special drill bit that you use to remove the old panels and it leaves the remaining panels ready to go :(


Quick test fit the new salvage panel.


Before I can fit it there is a small repair to do on the rear body cross member.



Quick blast over with some weld through primer to try and protect the repairs as much as possible.


Double whammy pic, look at the top curved panel from the roof, there are three holes left from removing the old remnants of panel and above them there are some rot holes where the panel has rotted through from the inside, and then there is my new favourite welding clamp, well now I know what it is for lol


Good rear view of the spot welds to show that they have fully fused both sides.


All welded in and primed.


There is a bit of seam sealing to do on the panel joint but it's great to have it almost sorted.


Primed the inside of the panel as the fresh welds will flash rust otherwise.


Oh and this is the pic of the rubber fin seal fitted to the tub all sealed up with some sealer to keep muck and water from getting under it and rotting it all out again.


A bit more fabrication to do to finish that rear post to the roof all solid again and the rear quarter skin can go back on.

Never a dull day on the rusty one.
Bit late after work to do anything noisy as we all have small kids, but I got out and slapped some, paint, yes, lets just say I got out and slapped some paint on it :rolleyes:


Looks much better and a lot more weather proof than the primer ;)

So how did I end up with silver Hammerite? Well, what happened was, I went to my local hardware store and they had sold out, looked online thinking it will be here in good time for the weekend and voila, one tin comprising 750ml of Hammered SILVER turned up and I had ordered black but it wasn't until I opened the tin I got the shock of my life, but I was thinking to myself only today what I am going to do about the visible side of that rear door post, it seems that I had that question answered for me lol.
Well the Mrs. is away at her mothers and with plans with @The Mad Hat Man were scuppered by the inclement weather and then plans with the Mrs. were scuppered by their plans for today I would up back at home, alone :)

Weather was sketchy as frig but I felt inclined to get out there and attack it in between the showers.

More ball ache than a kick in the nuts but getting there :)

Started out looking a bit worse for ware.


But it got better.


Still got the inside of the post to remake and although it is done now I forgot to take snaps as in a hurry as having dinner with mum.


You can clearly see the old spot weld holes that were welded up and the big blobs where the rot had come through from the inside.


It all just needs to be ground back and made to look more presentable and I might even break out the filler to make a proper job of it lol

Once it's ground back I can then get the outer body quarter panel back on and the back door too, I popped the nut plates out, sanded all the rust off with a flap disc and got them primed and put them back in with a big smear of waterproof grease, filled the crush tubes up with grease too and popped them back in and blathered the whole lot in waterproof grease.



I fear I may need to replace the lower door hinge as it seems to be seized, well, difficult to move by hand unlike the top hinge :rolleyes:
Jesus that's some weldathone your doing.. always look forward to your updates...inspires us all to keep going...as an update to mine just bought this week a techno weld 180a synergenic kit to finish my P6 and build roof bars for 101...
Jesus that's some weldathone your doing.. always look forward to your updates...inspires us all to keep going...as an update to mine just bought this week a techno weld 180a synergenic kit to finish my P6 and build roof bars for 101...

I wouldn't mind but I'm not even close to finishing yet lol

Thank goodness I bought myself a leather welding jacket, I got a couple of spatters first pull of the trigger and thought "where's me jacket" popped it on and right as 9 and away we go.

Whilst sitting in the front room watching garbage on TV, I felt an urge :)

No, not pawnhub, you filthy child :p

Whilst the cat is away so they say lol


Best do another coat an slap some top coat on it :D
Been outside to attend the Rusty one.

No photos sadly, went with the intention of getting the little die grinder out and grinding back the welds on the repair sections on the top of the door post, battery went flat quick, guessing that I used it a lot more than I thought at the weekend, bugger :oops:

But there has been a problem with water ingress from the front windscreen for a while now, basically since the new screen was fitted last year, got the scrubbing brush out and scrubbed the seal and as much as I could behind it with a bit of elbow grease and above the seal by a few inches, got the masking tape out and the mastic gun, dried it with paper towel and wiped it over with some meths and ran a bead along the seal, smeared in with a finger and we shall see how well it works, but judging by the mahoosive gaps up there I guess I might need to do it again later on when I attack some rust spots on the front roof edge.

Bit of time and still a bit light so I set about the passenger side foot well with the silver Hammerite and made it silver again over the red primer.

Its pitch black out there now and I just got the tarp back on in time before the rain came.

Time to cook me some dinner :)

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