If it all goes a bit tits up then it would still be nice to have an LZ meet for the social craic. Know it's not as good as combining it with laning but it's still a good day out/ night in it's own right :)

I agree , a sort of landy-zone AGM , so we can meet one another , eye up the motors and generally have a laugh ... Dr Evil could trailer up the V8 and we could have a ' get it started ' comp ...:D:D
never been to a pay and play before, and i think i did mention once or twice that the thread should be closed after lots of peeps put there names down... but was told the organiser knew what he was doin. :p

I dont mind what I do as long as its not anywhere else from the original location. :D

why the lakes could be fun:behindsofa:
Why not split it?
25 vehicles laning/25 vehicles pay and play and swap on the second day?
Why not split it?
25 vehicles laning/25 vehicles pay and play and swap on the second day?

Seems like a sound enough idea though I'd probably give the p&p a miss so far from home......far too tempting to push it and break stuff
I don't really, but if it's the way to get this trip off the ground whilst maintaining a certain level of PR to pacify the bobble brigade then I'm all for it ;)

well as i see it, its either split it or do the trip else where
No idea if this would make the blindest bit of difference or not but if numbers did have to be culled for the lanes themselves could it be that those who have never driven them before get a chance to experience them ( with local leaders) and other more local lads join us for the meet afterwards ...or p&p if they are so inclined ...just a thought like

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