First reply back from Buxton Police Station!

Just had a telephone call from a Police Sergeant to discuss the email I sent. They're quite happy for us to visit, keen to get involvement in offroading (his words) forums and very happy that we're splitting into small groups!

He's specifically pointed out that Long causeway has a width limit and suggested that Stanage therefore isn't suitable for Land rovers and requested we keep away and don't try to widen the access! I got the impression that some 4x4 drivers have tried to squeeze through or make room to get through. He also specifically mentiond that so long as we go down Roych it's fine, if a little steep and technical .. He would prefer, even though it is only voluntary, that we stick to that recommendation, I assured him we as a group, would do that .. ;)

Overall it was a very positive phone call, he was upbeat, thinks it was a good idea to inform them, certainly unique!, welcomed us to the Peaks and wished us a great weekend! ;)

He's emailed me his name, number, direct line etc and will be passing my email along to specific officers that deal with 4x4's and the lanes. I'll, obviously, pass any further info along. Any specific or useful names and numbers will be passed via pm to group leaders as necessary.
Heh ... they're all coming out now ..

"Hello Paul, thanks for getting in touch.

I’m just liaising with colleagues to get an answer back to you but wanted to acknowledge your email.

I’ll be in touch in due course.

Richard Pett, Rights of Way Officer"

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