There are probably going to be more than just two routes, to cater for more than scratchy and non-scratchy, there's also extreme, road-going or diversions around 'hot' areas, dry, wet, muddy, rocky routes (where in Peaks isn't?) .. these are all being trying to be taken into consideration ... The recces will consist of not only mapping the lanes and routes between them, but noting their state, state of vegetation, not only on the day they're driven, but at different times and under differing conditions. We won't just be driving 'a route' and hoping it's OK, we need to get many people along many routes and make it enjoyable, not a chore!! ;)
There are probably going to be more than just two routes, to cater for more than scratchy and non-scratchy, there's also extreme, road-going or diversions around 'hot' areas, dry, wet, muddy, rocky routes (where in Peaks isn't?) .. these are all being trying to be taken into consideration ... The recces will consist of not only mapping the lanes and routes between them, but noting their state, state of vegetation, not only on the day they're driven, but at different times and under differing conditions. We won't just be driving 'a route' and hoping it's OK, we need to get many people along many routes and make it enjoyable, not a chore!! ;)

Nice one, it's a proven philosophy that worked for us recently ;):)
Further to all this, the following is verbatim, what I sent, and am re-sending to others in the hope of some recognition. They have plenty time to answer ..

I've used a little poetic license in saying that it's an annual meeting .. ;)

" Hello,

This email is to inform Police and Rights of Way Officers of an intended meeting being planned for next year.

I am a member of an internet forum dedicated to Land rovers, which has a responsible Green-Lane section. In April next year we intend to have an annual meeting in The peak District, actual venue to be decided. It is anticipated there will be more than 50 Land rovers, and 120+ people attending from all over the UK, most of whom will be camping for the weekend, go green laning one day then dispersing the following day. There will be separate arranged routes for groups of no more than 6 vehicles to follow, each group having experienced leaders and tail-enders, all in radio and mobile phone contact with each other in an attempt to minimise any impact on other lane users on the day and indeed on the lanes we will be driving. We operate a tread-lightly policy, take green laning seriously, don’t condone damage or ‘off-piste’ activity and will ourselves report anyone in the groups who tries to disregard these guidelines or by-laws!

We’re telling you all this well before-hand to perhaps engage with you in order to minimise any potential impact and to ensure that our plans are carried out well within legal frameworks and won’t infringe on any pertaining local by-laws or policies. We fully understand TRO’s and voluntary codes of conduct, for instance currently only driving downhill on Roych Clough, and that Chapel gate is under TRO so won’t be driven at all .. unless these TRO’s are lifted or changed in the meantime. We keep as fully informed about policies as we can and will be checking right up to the day we go green laning, and always check and will comply with posted notices at the start of Byways on the day.

The forum have previously arranged similar meetings/Green Lane excursions around the UK and have never had any issues arising from them with either Rights of Way or Police Authorities or indeed local people or farmers! In fact there are regular small group outings arranged almost every week all over the UK.

We’d like to do this with your co-operation and blessing, fully realising that the Peaks is a currently sensitive area to the issue of 4x4’s and green laning, and as such would welcome constructive feedback, criticism and help. If there are any specific recommendations you would make we’d be more than willing to consider them before we start to firm up location/timing plans.

Best regards

Paul D

Copied to Derbyshire and Staffordshire Police online form submissions, Peaks Rights of Way Officers and Derbyshire and Staffordshire Rights of Way Officers where possible."

When or if I hear anything back I'll keep everyone informed.
I tried to basically say we're doing it, positively, but would listen to you and might like some help from you .. hope that comes across!!
I tried to basically say we're doing it, positively, but would listen to you and might like some help from you .. hope that comes across!!

It read fine to me, it explains a sound and proactive approach to legally enjoying our hobby
Might be a reasonable letter, but they still ain't replied!!

Maybe I should have said we aim to tear 'em all up, knock walls down and shag sheep! :eek:
Good .. and possibly bad ...

Just got this back from the Head of Communications at Peaks Authority ..

"Dear Paul –Thanks for sending this through. I see that you have already copied this in to my colleagues in the rights of way section so I will leave it to them to respond to you as it is their professional comments that you will need.

If it takes a bit longer than normal for them to respond please bear with them as they are currently going through well over 3,000 responses to TRO consultations."

So not a definite eff off, but I think it might be telling that he also mentioned responses to TRO's!

Heheheh, I sent it to 'quite a few' people, hoping someone might do something!! ;)
well at least someone replied!:rolleyes::D
All you can do now is wait for them to pull their finger out ..but 3,000 responses to TRO's ..:faint2:
Good .. and possibly bad ...

Just got this back from the Head of Communications at Peaks Authority ..

"Dear Paul –Thanks for sending this through. I see that you have already copied this in to my colleagues in the rights of way section so I will leave it to them to respond to you as it is their professional comments that you will need.

If it takes a bit longer than normal for them to respond please bear with them as they are currently going through well over 3,000 responses to TRO consultations."

So not a definite eff off, but I think it might be telling that he also mentioned responses to TRO's!

Heheheh, I sent it to 'quite a few' people, hoping someone might do something!! ;)

Well worded letter and a reasonable intial response.....fingers crossed
Nice one Paul, Hoping to get my engine back in the next week or two so we could sort out a day or two to follow up a couple of recceys and or a couple of evenings looking over maps and routes we have between us
No worries TC. Give us a call if you want a hand fitting the engine .. or someone to laugh and video while you do it .. ;)

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