I hope that doing it 'my way' might get a better result than pre-e,pting what they say and deciding beforehand!

Be a big feather in the caps (on the badges?) if we actually got the backing of the peak District Authority and the Police .. how many other groups get that kind of acknowledgement that green laning can be extreme and yet still be (reasonably) responsible?

Here's hoping anyway .. ;)
I hope that doing it 'my way' might get a better result than pre-e,pting what they say and deciding beforehand!

Be a big feather in the caps (on the badges?) if we actually got the backing of the peak District Authority and the Police .. how many other groups get that kind of acknowledgement that green laning can be extreme and yet still be (reasonably) responsible?

Here's hoping anyway .. ;)

fingers crossed
I hope that doing it 'my way' might get a better result than pre-e,pting what they say and deciding beforehand!

Be a big feather in the caps (on the badges?) if we actually got the backing of the peak District Authority and the Police .. how many other groups get that kind of acknowledgement that green laning can be extreme and yet still be (reasonably) responsible?

Here's hoping anyway .. ;)

Fingers crossed mate , we're all behind you , these things need to be sorted before anything else can fall in to place really .:)
Not sure where the 2 day trhing has come from As far as I was aware we were laning Saturday, getting slaughtered Saturday evening and staggering home as some point on the Sunday, once the alcohol had worn off. :comfused:

as to numbers NO we don't have to inform the plod. as we will be in groups of 5 or 6 So legally not a possession. also we have no political aims and are not protesting about anything (unless there's no lemon drizzle) :D
The Peaks is plenty big enuff to have 2 completely seperate routes which would be 4 groups oin each route hardly a huge number of laners..

It would appear that we are creating solutions to problems, that do not exsist
Not sure where the 2 day trhing has come from As far as I was aware we were laning Saturday, getting slaughtered Saturday evening and staggering home as some point on the Sunday, once the alcohol had worn off. :comfused:

as to numbers NO we don't have to inform the plod. as we will be in groups of 5 or 6 So legally not a possession. also we have no political aims and are not protesting about anything (unless there's no lemon drizzle) :D
The Peaks is plenty big enuff to have 2 completely seperate routes which would be 4 groups oin each route hardly a huge number of laners..

It would appear that we are creating solutions to problems, that do not exsist
me too, drive saturday and get ****ed up then home sunday.
That is the plan so until myself or one of the other organisers announces different lets all stop speculating please
Not sure where the 2 day trhing has come from As far as I was aware we were laning Saturday, getting slaughtered Saturday evening and staggering home as some point on the Sunday, once the alcohol had worn off. :comfused:

That's what I thought and am planning on .. some of us might do a few lanes on the way home thobut .. ;)

as to numbers NO we don't have to inform the plod. as we will be in groups of 5 or 6 So legally not a possession. also we have no political aims and are not protesting about anything (unless there's no lemon drizzle) :D
The Peaks is plenty big enuff to have 2 completely seperate routes which would be 4 groups oin each route hardly a huge number of laners..

Not saying we should inform them, I'm just saying I think it'd be a good idea to let them know we're doing it and try to get their backing. There is, after all, an aim and a promotion of something, even if the something is the Air Ambulance charity.

It would appear that we are creating solutions to problems, that do not exsist

Maybe so, maybe not. As I said, I was playing Devils Advocate, but am also trying to find a solution to the problem I pose. I fully intend to go along with the run, and do what i can to make it go well .. hence me offering a 'problem' and trying to get the solution to it .. even if it isn't a true problem!

Put it this way, I'd rather 'they' said we don't have to inform them and actually gave us the go-ahead, especially if it's in writing! It's better than listening to varying interpretations of legalese that is aimed at keeping lawyers in Armani rather than making things easy for people to understand!!
Well, heard nothing from any of 'em, Police or ROWO, so I'll re-send the emails again.

However, I also say what the feck, we go ahead, and just do the best we can to organise a safe, happy to all parties, day out in the Peaks .. ;)

I would have thought it would be in their interests to get back in touch at least!
I'm not sure that its wise to be doing a 50 vehicle event through and area of aggravation. Would have thought it would only serve to worsen the situation
Well, heard nothing from any of 'em, Police or ROWO, so I'll re-send the emails again.

However, I also say what the feck, we go ahead, and just do the best we can to organise a safe, happy to all parties, day out in the Peaks .. ;)

I would have thought it would be in their interests to get back in touch at least!

Ensure that all group leaders have a copy of this email and any replies, in case of any Agro. At least it shows yu tried!
i thought there were gonna be two routes on the day? :confused:

scratchy and non scratchy..

this would mean there was an average of 25 vehicles using each route on the day..

i would also have thought there were nough lanes in the area to split the scratchy group into two different routes as well.. in different areas of the peaks, it is quite a large county afer all..

but i am sure craig will have thought and looked into this also.. :D

lets wait and see what the plan actually is and if there any objections, deal with them at that time..

or if there is that much of a problem i for one am willing to forgo any green laning, as i visit the area quite often anyway, to let a smaller number of the people new to the area to enjoy a day out.

as long as i can enjoy the party at the end of the day..:p:p
There will be a minimum of two routes used on the day. I'm out tomorrow doing some recces with DavidSally, looking forward to it :D

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