Hate the way they have ROW then restricted then back to ROW on that sectionThere is the Foose Way running South from the airport. Apart from the ford halfway along the byway it's hardly worth the visit, apart from short cut maybe
Depends on which council website you look at. Last time I looked you could drive the whole length depending on which map you use.Hate the way they have ROW then restricted then back to ROW on that section
That Ford is deep in the winter
Depends on which council website you look at. Last time I looked you could drive the whole length depending on which map you use.
I can't answer for the whole country but for the areas I've gone laning in, there are generally comments that are within the last 12 months - especially in the more popular areas and/or areas with active reps.The above form @Anaconda was my experience of glass and trailwise a few years ago so let my membership lapse. Everything on trailwise there seemed to be a good 5-10 years out of date so stopped renewing.
Has this now changed and and people are active on there updating routes and comments etc? I am looking at planning a route around the cotswolds for drive it day and an arcuate and up to date trailwise would certainly make things easier and quicker as a start rather than trawling through the council rights of way maps as a starting point