Finally got around to tackling the MOT list today, replaced the front dampers doing it the hard way as the bolts on the dislocation cones were rusted solid :mad:

Undid the dampers, dropped the axle down, took the springs out then the dampers and replaced, however as i did this i noticed the tops of the dislocation cones are fooked, as i removed the damper and the small washers either side of the rubber seals, a chunk of rusty cone came with it :eek:
These need to be replaced asap!

Also fitted the window washer squirty pump thingy, replaced the outer oil seal on the rear OS hub and did some welding, pics below of hole before and plated up afterwards:

I also welded a plate between the previous plate and the newer one to tie it all in, in hindsight a larger plate would have been better, but we live n learn ;):D

Tomorrow is to weld up the other side, fit exhaust back box, and the other silly jobs that need doing, if i can get it done in good time then possibly down to the MOT station before close or first thing tuesday morning :D

:EDIT: They're shock turrets and not dislocation cones.....yes yes i know, i'm a nub :(
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I also had another thought tonight whilst rummaging around in the engine bay, is there a specific reason why the air intake goes from the wing towards the front of the engine bay into the filter then back to the turbo?

I only ask as i have abit of space just above the air intake in front of the heater element and want to mount a custom made airbox there so the route is less for the air and eliminates the amount of ducting needed.

Also is there a specific size to the air filter i need to use??
no just thats where filter is so pipes have to ,you could bung a filter on turbo intake as long as it filtered and didnt restrict intake
No and no. If I had the 90 still i was going to move the filter to the opposite side and make more room for the intercooler .. i met a bloke at McLaren and he was playing with bigger intakes above the radiator and more direct flow.
no just thats where filter is so pipes have to ,you could bung a filter on turbo intake as long as it filtered and didnt restrict intake

Good to know :D

No and no. If I had the 90 still i was going to move the filter to the opposite side and make more room for the intercooler .. i met a bloke at McLaren and he was playing with bigger intakes above the radiator and more direct flow.

That sounds interesting.

Would the intercooler be sufficient, do you think, to act as a filter? Crazy idea here, but could i make a cowling from the rear of the intercooler leading upto the turbo via a duct, abit like the fan cowling but obviously sealed and not as large lol!
I cant see how you would get a benefit from that, i'd open the filter intake as much as possible to force more air in but you will need to increase the size of the intercooler too. Is it worth it on a defender??
I cant see how you would get a benefit from that, i'd open the filter intake as much as possible to force more air in but you will need to increase the size of the intercooler too. Is it worth it on a defender??

Probably not tbh mate, i was toying with the idea of using the intercooler as a filter so to speak, would it work, wouldn't it, would i need another filter as well eliminating the use of the intercooler overall.

It was possibly a daft idea, but an idea none the less, you should know by now if i think of something i'll try it :p :D
not sure if i understand you right how could a intercooler be used as air filter,you dont need to force air into turbo just make sure intake isnt restricted
i made up a behind the cab snorkel (seen too many guys loose their front mounted snorkels on tree etc)
a mate of mine works for a water company got a load of 70mm high preasure polly pipe and bends i fitted it and he heat welded the joints. goes straight from the turbo to the back then have 1 of those cone filters form ebay
breaths really well


can just see it behind the cab
not sure if i understand you right how could a intercooler be used as air filter,you dont need to force air into turbo just make sure intake isnt restricted

I don't think i explained my self to well here.

On an original landy you have a shroud which sits behind the rad, this then fits over the fan right? The idea is that ( other than stopping you loosing limbs when the fan is turning ) it allows the fan to pull the air through the rad in a more efficient way right?

Now think of a smaller one fitted to the rear of the intercooler, tapered into a ducting to fit on the turbo intake.

The intercooler acts as the air filter so to speak and the air pass's through it and then into the turbo.

Now is it still a daft idea and would i need to still fit another filter to catch any grains of sand/fly's legs finding their way through the intercooler....
daft idea as turbo doesnt need forced air and holes are too big in intercooler ,in filter you cant actually see holes,pointless,
At the risk of being shot down by vastly more knowledgable than myself..

Go and look, if you can, at how the new mini cooper s engine works...the limited space in the engine bay and how its configured to give maximum power at low revs due to huge air intakes and intercooler. I still dont see how a fender could cope but its your toy.
Guess that idea falls by the wayside then :lol:

It was just a thunk late on a sunday evening....nothing more to see here...move along...

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