
Active Member
Good morning

A few years ago I bought Landy (2000 TD5 90 Defender) and then spent about 18 months renovating and doing replacing parts as and when they needed.

Over the last year I have started to work on the stuff that isn't necessarily urgent but more a good to do. Amongst other things I have been focussing on the fuel system. I started at the fuel pressure regulator when it had a leak and have been working backwards. Last month I replace the fuel filter housing as it was corroded and is a common issue on the TD5.

I had done a bit of overtime and decided to replace the cheap fuel pump that I had fitted 3 years ago with a VDO one. My local garage do a lot of Land Rover work and he was always at me to change it as it is a common failing. So I bit the bullet and bought a genuine CDO continental unit. I have a hatch in my floor of Landy so its an absolute doddle to fit, and as I said I have already fitted one before so it literally takes 15 minutes. The fuel gauge had stopped working so that was another reason to do it.

Anyway the fuel pump was switched over (hardest part was the power connector!!) and sure enough the float unit on the cheapo had come away so thats why the gauge didnt work properly.

I also fitted a new seal and ring, I have the correct tool that I bought years ago and as I said no worries at all.

I switched on to do the 5 accelerator pedal bleed procedure and noticed straight away how loud the pump was. Like really loud. Anyway I let the cycle go through twice just to make sure that it was ok.

Turned the key and first time started but with a VERY loud fuel pump. I took it out for a spin and zero issues on performance. The garage checked for any leaks ("if theres air getting in the system diesel would be coming out") and nothing. Its been 2 weeks of running and Landy is running like a champ, first time starting (its cold now in north Scotland) and standard 25 mpg and great performance.

I contacted the supplier of the pump and they have said that they will need to send the pump back to the supplier but not hopeful as its just noisy.

The garage dont see it like that tho :) and they have ordered a one from their own parts supplier and are going to fit it Tuesday. That wy in their eyes it will prove one way or another if the pump i faulty. The garage is a local one but does loads of landys and is 100% genuine.

I just wondered if anyone on here had any thoughts? Like I said there are no obvious airleaks or diesel leaks, and the bleeding cycle has been done a few times now.

Its my wifes daily driver and whilst she thinks its great that it sounds like a jet Im not so happy.


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I tried to upload a mp4 file but no joy so did a zip thing. Just a note the area around the pump looks damp but its not, its where i cleaned it.
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When my pump failed a couple of years ago I replaced it with a genuine one and it has always been quite noisy on ignition compared to before and compared to other people’s td5’s. Don’t hear it with the engine running and it appears to work fine
The previous owner of mine had a new pump fitted as the gauge didn't work, going by the bill I am guessing it's not genuine.
This fixed the problem for a while but the gauge started playing up after I left a deposit. He filled it up and knocked £500 quid off.
Anyway it was pretty noisy but in the past year has become quieter, still can't trust the gauge though.
I am opposite to you as I now worry because it is quieter!
Quick update - I fitted a new pump (not a VDO one) on the recommendation of the garage and its now as quiet as it should be - definately a faulty VDO - disappointing considering the cost. I'm going to now have to submit a warrantly claim etc so thats a pain but better than sounding like a jet.
The saga continues.

The VDO fuel pump was confirmed to be faulty and I got my money back.

I fitted an after market fuel pump that was quiet for 2 days and then got loud. The fuel line marked number 8 on the fuel system diagram HP Feed Connection from pump direct to the Fuel Pressure Regulator was pulsating or vibrating.

I replaced this fuel pump with another one (again under warranty) and fitted it last Saturday. Again quiet as soon as I fitted it and it ran all weekend without any noise.

Today I jumped into Landy and the pump is noisy again.

I've checked all connections and there are no obvious leaks either out or in as far as I can see. No loss of power or issue starting - just a noisy pump.

Any thoughts?


The saga continues.

The VDO fuel pump was confirmed to be faulty and I got my money back.

I fitted an after market fuel pump that was quiet for 2 days and then got loud. The fuel line marked number 8 on the fuel system diagram HP Feed Connection from pump direct to the Fuel Pressure Regulator was pulsating or vibrating.

I replaced this fuel pump with another one (again under warranty) and fitted it last Saturday. Again quiet as soon as I fitted it and it ran all weekend without any noise.

Today I jumped into Landy and the pump is noisy again.

I've checked all connections and there are no obvious leaks either out or in as far as I can see. No loss of power or issue starting - just a noisy pump.

Any thoughts?


Right - after much more research and deliberation I reckon the all the issues have come since I replaced the fuel filter housing a month or so ago. The connectors were a real pain to get off and I wonder if one or more of them are now damaged. They dont leak but you can pull them off without pushing in the wee button things (altho they dont come off themselves)

I am going to replace the air bleed and the return valve connectors on the fuel lines to start with. I was watching a youtube video and and the chap listed these from amazon as being compatible Amazon product (unless anyone knows of the actual LR part I can get)

My question is should I just cut the fuel line and then put the connector in (providing the fuel line will give enough slack) or should I try and removed the connector from the fuel hose - and does anyone have any tips to do this.

Im boring myself with this now but just trying to sort out this issue so any help appreciated.



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