the clue he was a idiot was in his name mr mig??!!! sounds just like some talent less dick whos bought a welder ,got his own turd through a mot and decided hes the man:rolleyes:
^ HAte to say it, but that's true. My welder made sure I was happy and refused to take any monies until we were both happy.

Hi all please do have a look at the pictures! I have made them public so everyone should be able to see them? I don't know if you have to log into facebook however?

some up close shots where you can see the 'welding' haha so called
in detail.

for fook sakes and hwo much did he charge for that work !! that blokes going to kill someone judging by his welding
####ing hell thats some **** poor welding!

doesn't look like he's been using gas one them either!

indeed!! lets hope the small claims court take my side in this matter, a written report from one garage and one interdependent mechanic should help matters! also the fact he has not bothered to respond to my letter by phone text or email says a lot about his character.
well I'd say he's definitely got a small claims case!

if he's been trading for as long as he says he has even if its just a hobby gone "pro" it should be better than that :eek:
for fook sakes and hwo much did he charge for that work !! that blokes going to kill someone judging by his welding

He mugged me for £950 thanks to my darling mother :)

yes indeed! as an MOT tester said if i had a head on collision in that the front end would have fallen to bits.
well I'd say he's definitely got a small claims case!

if he's been trading for as long as he says he has even if its just a hobby gone "pro" it should be better than that :eek:

hmmm even if i don't get my money back hopefully I'll have warned some people off who may have considered him for welding work and may even save them injury in the event of having an accident in there vehicle, the thing is had i have asked him to put the wings back on and not been trying to help him out i would not have seem what he had done to the crash panels, plus they would not be checked in an mot as they cannot be seen!
You should get a welder and do it yourself.

Or get a load of scrap and weld it all together and leave it on his lawn

Hi all please do have a look at the pictures! I have made them public so everyone should be able to see them? I don't know if you have to log into facebook however?

some up close shots where you can see the 'welding' haha so called
in detail.


:eek: I feel a little better at my ham-fisted attempts at butchering Pikeys chassis today now :)
Holy crap Batman!

That's like stuff I cut out in order to get welded.

:/ for one i don't think the welder was set up properly 2 it looks like gas hasn't even been used on some welds, and 3 it i don't think he even used the right power setting for most of the welding!
If that job would of come to me it would of been a £300 to max £400 job 3 days work. Its only cutting out, clean area and weld new panels in :doh:

I think your selling yourself a bit cheap. £100 a day, minus tax at 20%, so £240 for the 3 days less NI.

Less than £250 quid in your pocket, plus welding overheads.
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how long did he have the disco for?
looks a really rushed job to me. no care with welding and no protection after.
while i appreciate its difficult to price for welding work, for what you paid you should have got better quality than that!
how long did he have the disco for?
looks a really rushed job to me. no care with welding and no protection after.
while i appreciate its difficult to price for welding work, for what you paid you should have got better quality than that!

He had the vehicle for 2 months :/ I didn't push him! Said he could take as long as he needed as I wanted a good job done!

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